

Jun 13 2013

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The Unrecognized Celebrity

Maybe I’ve grown indifferent to the celebrity culture, or maybe I ignore most of mainstream news and network celeb shows, but it seems that lately I don’t recognize any new celebrity or rock star or rap star or actress or actor. Their faces and careers are all a big blur to me. I haven’t seen a movie worth the price of admission in the last 10 years, and I think the last few actresses and actors I’ve heard about and recognized their names and faces were , well I forgot what their names are , but I would recognize their faces if I saw them again.

The Cult of Celebrity that has overwhelmed the world or at least the U.S is a strange religion almost comparable to the Catholic Church who has thousands of unknown saints and popes and celebrities throughout the last 2000 years, who were famous once and then never heard of again; unless they became the patron saints of some village or town in Europe or South America.

The Cult of Celebrity is simply filling a need for the disenfranchised people of the world to worship someone. People will worship anything. In India they have a temple and cult that worships rats. In other countries people worship trees and rivers and mountains. The most common worshiping practices revolve around the Sun and Moon. The most well known culture that worshiped the Sun was the Egyptians, and the most well known culture that worshiped the moon is the Jews. People will worship anything and anyone except themselves. People who need to worship feel so inferior and so disconnected from themselves, that the last person they would idolize or give love and respect to is themselves. Christ was not a person. Christ is a concept of the completely enlightened person. Achieving Christ hood is the highest enlightened state a human being can achieve. Why do people look at some bubble headed, big breasted bimbo, or brain dead body builder as a goddess or god to idolize, when they are as good or better looking, and more intelligent and talented, than those they idolize?

The Cult of Celebrity is the great mascaraed, that parades unknown actresses and actors and singers and people who have no talents, but the ability to create a mask, that others believe are them or project them to be. I don’t know but a few real celebrities and those are the people who do not hide behind masks. They are actors and actresses,activists and political leaders, singers and musicians and scholars and writers, who may not be famous, but they are worthy of great fame. These are all the people of the world, who believe in themselves and their skills and talents, and worship no one or no religion, except their own abilities and person hood, and strives throughout their lives to be the very best they can be and fulfilling their great destinies.

L.A. Steel

Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=4623


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