

Dec 20 2012

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We Are Already There


Many people in the world are wondering today if something is going to happen tomorrow on the twenty first of December 2012. What was predicted to happen at this time in our history already is happening. The rise of unity consciousness after the Newtown Massacre, and the Christmas messages sent around the world signify that we have entered the new era. All the wars and deaths are a sign of our past, holding us to the past and present ideas of our lives. It is time now as we enter the new era to think differently, act differently and believe differently than we always have. Ironically the U.S economy and perhaps the world economy is about to fall over the Fiscal Cliff in one more week and human collective consciousness will be plunged into panic.

For all expecting a doomsday scenario tomorrow I suspect you will be disappointed, unless you are in Palestine or Gaza, or Syria or some other forsaken country now in the middle of war. Or you may be a parent of one of the massacred children in Newtown,Connecticut buring their child today or tomorrow. This would be a doomsday for them. Doomsday is more of a personal day of hardship. It may be the day someone is murdered, or commits suicide. It may be the day a bomb crashes into your home and kills you and your family, as it does so often in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Gaza. It may be the day you are given your layoff notice after 25 years of working for the same company. It may be waking up this morning in a war ravaged city or neighborhood to death and destruction all around you, or never waking up at all.

Our lives are like televison sets running reruns 24 hours a day until we change the channel or turn off the television and focus on reality. Are our lives desparate or blessed? What blesses one life from the next? What gives someone vast wealth, personal health and beauty, and a life of fullfillment as opposed to someone who is deformed and impoverished in a life of misery and hardship? Some religions explain it through Karma, others explain it through faith, others explain it as a curse or a blessing to an individual by God. Regardless what our rationalization is for this eternal question, what we are experiencing today is the conscious awareness of world injustice and inequity as never before in human history.Our great awakening has been brought about by the technological advancements of the 20th and 21st century, that allow everyone the ability to share our personal experiences and thoughts or pictures or movies with others instantly via internet and broadcast mediums. This miraculous ability of world wide communications has opened the minds and hearts and souls of billions of people to be able to understand the joy or suffering of other people and to see and hear the sounds of war, or the acts of war and hatred being waged against other human beings as well as acts of compassion and concern, art and music. Our technology brings these images and sounds close to us and immediately. This technology was never available to anyone 100 years ago. The living standards of billions of people have become improved rapidly and significantly. Medical advancements in the last 100 years have given billions of people a longer and healthier life.

The Mayans were not wrong about the changing era, only those of us who want to believe in impendng doom or a similar end time senario we imagine are wrong. Ascension of Human Consciousness is far too significant an event to occur on one day. It has occured over 1.6 Billion years according to the Mayan Calendar of Creation, and Humanity has now entered its predicted new age of enlightenment. Changes of this magnitude inevitably produce mania in people ranging from peace and joy to paranoia and depression. Most of us will survive this transition, and thrive in the new era once we realize we have already ascended, and adjust ourselves to the great change.

L.A. Steel

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