

Dec 16 2012

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Corrections of News Media Reporting on the Newtown Massacre

It has been three days since the massacre in Newtown Connecticut, and more details of the shooting of 20 school children and 7 adults have been released. The absurd number of inaccuracies of the previously reported news on the massacre makes the entire American news media a complete joke. The first errors in the details reported by the American news networks on Friday the day of the shooting,were the shooter’s name, his mother’s name and where the shooter lived. It was first reported that he lived in New Jersey, and that his father was found dead in his New Jersey home. Neither of these were true. The shooter used his older brother’s identification. Police could not identify the shooter’s mother either until one day later, who he shot in the face and left dead in their Newtown home. It turned out that all the guns the shooter used were registered to his mother. Anyone must ask what kind of mother in her right mind would own a Bush Assault Rifle and four semi atomatic pistols, knowing her 20 year old son who lived with her was insane. Yet according to reports by people who knew her said she proudly announced that she and her son would practice at the gun range together.

It was first reported on Friday the day of the shooting, that all the children murdered were in Kindergarten and 5 years old. Not until today when the bodies were identified was it released by the coroner that all the murdered children were between the ages of 6 and 7 and were in the first grade. As the national media swarmed on the tragic community more inaccurate statements were made by dizzy news reporters reporting hear say and proudly acknowledging that their news rooms were monitoring Twitter and Facebook for news updates. Today is Sunday and there are still strange and conflicting reports being reported by the media. Some still insist on reporting that all who were killed were Kindergarteners and their teachers. I read a brief report this morning on CLG.org that stated the Rabbi of the Newtown synogogue stated to the media that, the Principal of the school was shot execution style. The media has stated that she was shot as she tried to confront the shooter and protect the children and that she was a hero. There was no official statement that she was shot execution style.

The network news reported on Saturday and Friday that the shooter’s brother’s girlfriend and friend were missing in New Jersey, but were later found,and the older brother of the shooter was brought in for questioning. That was when the police realized the shooter had used his brother’s ID card,and that the shooter had been mentally unstable for years, and that he and his older brother hadn’t spoken to each other in two years. The shooter’s father was alive and totally baffled at his son’s actions. He had divorced his wife in 2008 and lived in New Jersey apart from his exwife and his youngest son, who both lived together in Newtown,Connecticut, and a short distance from the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

In the next few days and weeks hopefully more accurate information will come out about this massacre, but until then no one can trust anything being said about this massacre of 20 children, except that all were between the ages of 6 and 7 years old, and were found dead at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, and all the victims names have been officially released. It was also reported that one other person of interest was found in the woods near the school after the shooting dressed in black and camoflage. He insisted he had nothing to do with the massacre, but is still being considered a person of interest.

As is typical of the American News Media, nothing they ever say or report on is accurate. It is cleared first by the CIA and FBI agents who are assigned to the networks to review all news releasess,then the facts are rewritten and broadcasted as truth of a situation, when it is completely fabricated. The news coverage of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre is more of a completely chaotic, crazy assault of the viewers by highly emotional reporting aimed at delivering maximum emotional responses from the audience with bogus facts, and the rewriting of the story to coverup the errors and incompetence of all who were involved with the crime, all who are investigating it, and all who are reporting it.

L.A. Steel

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