The John Birch Society came into being in 1956 and soon after by 1964, it was scorned, slandered and libeled by the media and pro communist conspirators; as one of the most notorious organizations in the United States. I was very young as were most baby boomers during this time. Barry Goldwater was the Presidential candidate that year. We of that era were the impressionable young, influenced by Beatle mania and other Tavistock packaged British Rock and Roll bands and the acid headed “DEAD” etc.etc. and anti war protests. As I recall from my somewhat distorted memory, Bob Dylan refused to go on the Ed Sullivan Show, sometime in the early 60’s; because ED wouldn’t let him sing his song” John Birch Society Blues”. I have never heard the song and I do not know if it was ever produced. Since my recent research into the John Birch Society, I believe Ed Sullivan was right. Maybe ED was a member?
In our conversation; when Mr. McManus accepted my invitation to be on the L.A. Steel Show, I informed him that I was liberally oriented. I stated that my radio and television programs were of a liberal content. I informed him that I use the word “Liberal” loosely; since I have many critics from both sides of the political spectrum. He made clear that the John Birch Society rejects political labels. I have made great efforts and a commitment, to create an objective view of alternative news in developing my public comments and criticism. Regardless of the origin of national or international opinions and issues I encourage what makes sense and discourage what I consider as nonsense, then let my audience decide for themselves.
I believe it is time in this nation to develop a meaningful dialogue; between the different factions that are tearing the political and social fabric of the United States. These factions are separating families, co workers and friends from meaningful discussions and unity. This ideological split in our culture happened twice before, and each ended in bloodshed. Once during the American Revolution and a second time during the American Civil War.
It was for this reason alone that I asked John McManus to be a guest on the L.A. Steel Show. His view of America is essentially the same view that I and most Americans have. That all Americans must defend the Constitution of the United States against all foreign and domestic enemies. I believe that all responsible citizens must be aware of the true friends and foes of the United States. As all friends disagree with one another on many issues we are friends or have remained friends, because we have taken time to learn about each other by listening to each other.
It is my hope and the hope of many, that this enemy made and media exaggerated tear in the social fabric of the United States, can be repaired. If we put aside our personal, bull headed, beliefs long enough to listen to someone else’s bull headed beliefs; we might create an opportunity to learn from each other. We might be able to identify the true enemies of our society and where they are hiding. That hiding place might be within us without our knowing.
Please join us tomorrow night 12/19/06 at 8:00 pm on WQQQ 103.3fm, or listen to us on Thursday night when we replay our conversation with John McManus President of the John Birch Society on : / lasteelshoworg
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