

Feb 11 2007

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The problem I see with this sudden obsession with Barack Obama is he has become a convenient vehicle to release all liberal guilt, and to declare every Liberal’s respect for their Black brothers and sisters. Liberals are notoriously racist for proof look at the administrations of all past Democratic presidents. As much as I distain the Bush Administration personally, and it’s corrupt and malicious failed policies; there has never been so many Black Americans in prominent positions within the same administration in the United States.I have always wondered why G.W Bush appointed so many Black Americans to his cabinet and to the management of National Security.

I have seen racial violence personally and physically fought to defend myself and my friends against racists. A racial fight is the most evil form of battle. Most victims are defenseless. Most of the victims have done nothing to warrant attacks against them. Racism always leads to violence or physical and mental abuse. I have seen physical attacks against my friends. I have empathized with their anger and frustration, but I have never been able to feel what they feel. I have never been able to understand the hatred waged against them because of the color of their skin.

The white liberal obsession with Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy is more of a projection of sympathy towards Black Americans. It will be interesting to see what kind of real support Mr. Obama receives in the next six or eight months once the white liberals contend with more than one Black presidential candidate. Al Sharpton , or any other candidate will weaken Obama’s white liberal support. Barack Obama is a new face. He speaks to the white liberal audience as a black JFK.

I watched and listened to Barack Obama’s speech on CSPAN yesterday. There was nothing new. There was very little if anything that hasn’t been said by every Democratic candidate since FDR. The only difference was that it was said by Barack Obama. What amazed me as I watched the people in the audience standing in frigid weather was the absense of black supporters. The camera recorded black men in the crowd, and a few close-ups of several black women huddled in blankets shivering amongst a sea of white people with hoods and hats on. I always thought that the state of Illinois had a large black American population. Why were almost all in the audience white people ? Maybe it was because most black Americans have the good sense to stay inside, when outside it’s 10 degrees with a minus zero wind chill factor. Maybe it is because they do not feel as enthusiastic as white liberals do about Barack Obama’s candidacy. Maybe they know the system so well, they automatically become suspicious of Barack Obama’s sudden unexpected rise to national acclaim. Maybe ,collectively they know too well that Obama is just another Democratic shill. Maybe they remember how Obama deserted them in 2004; when he meekly declared the presidential elections had obvious irregularities, but he ignored his own people by declaring G.W Bush as the rightful winner knowing that over three million Democratic votes were not counted and the majority of them in Black districts . Perhaps Black Americans are wondering what kind of a leader Barack Obama is and why he is receiving such adulation from white Americans. I am not a Black American, but if I feel I must ask this question. If most Black Americans are not asking this question, they should be.

The history of Black Americans is a difficult history for a White American to look at and acknowledge. We as White Americans have not yet allowed ourselves to accept our own prejudices. Our predominantly white justice system has incarcerated one in three Black males in the United States. Our sacred Constitution never originally considered Black People as equal or as citizens. Our illustrious Congress has a long history of punishing and ignoring the Black American. Our corporate establishment still frowns upon Black employees and executives. Sadly even the Black Americans ignore their own people’s needs and businesses.

White American Liberals are not honest with Black Americans, nor are they honest with themselves. Wasn’t it Chicago that had so many white people oppose school busing? Wasn’t it a white man who killed Martin Luther King Jr.? Weren’t White people the majority of all who violently opposed the Civil Right’s Movement? Isn’t it White pundits and news casters who ridiculed Al Sharpton and Carol Mosley Braun in 2004? Aren’t these same members of the media now praising Barack Obama? I ask why? Why the sudden change? Who is behind the Obama candidacy and why? No one receives the attention Obama has unless the Shadow Government has approved of it. No one becomes President in the United States, unless the Shadow Government approves of him or her.

The White Liberal American is desperately trying to bring about the Second Coming of Kennedy. They have been for the last forty years. It will never happen. Kennedy was murdered because he wanted drastic changes made. He wanted to expose the corruption of the Shadow Government and end the reign of the Federal Reserve and end the war in Vietnam before it further escalated. These liberal ideals will never again see the light of day in American Politics. Barrack Obama is not JFK or RFK or MLK or even a qualified candidate. He is simply a made man, sponsored by the men who make made men; who are slyly manipulating the Sheeple of the Left to distract them from the Impeachment of G.W Bush, and the ongoing plutocracy and imperialistic corruption of the Bush Administration and the Congress.

The ruling white majority and white shadow government will never allow Barack Obama to be President, unless they are certain they completely control him. It looks to me like they do control him and always have. I think Black Americans understand this, but the remarkable symbol of a Black American President far outweighs all other concerns, and may cause both Black and White voters to elect Barack Obama.


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