

Jun 25 2007

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The illegal immigration issue is the most volitile issue facing Americans today, aside from our unconstitutional involvement in Iraq. By their strange and abhorant actions the President and Congress have shown their truest colors to the American people. Any senator supporting this immigration bill, is not working for the American people. Anyone who is pushing this bill for amnesty of illegal aliens and limited border security is attempting to legalize a foreign invasion of 12-20 million illegal aliens, and is opening the borders for millions of other illegal aliens to overwhelm our nation.

No other country in the history of the world has tollerated (without resistence), such a foreign invasion on their soil. In every invasion of a country their are always traitors, who have opened the gates to the invaders. History has proven time and again this truth. The Roman empire was destroyed this way. The incompetant and insane emperors, followed by a complicit senate passed laws; that accepted barbarians and foreign peoples into their cities and country without respect for its citizens and against the majority will of Roman people. There are traitors in our government. We all know this. It is not a surprize to any of us. They are the President, Vice President, House of Representives, Senate, and Supreme Court.

Some of the traitors are bought off by corporations, and others may be blackmailed by powerful lobbyists or by foreign goverments. Some are simply selling out the American people to the highest bidder. We know who they are. We see them on television every day and night.Their faces are as familiar to us as those of our own co workers or neighbors. Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Rudy Guiliani, John McCain, Bill Clinton, George H.W Bush and George W. Bush , Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tony Snow, every member of the Bush cabinet and administration. Every national news anchorperson who distorts or censors the truth. Every coverup and paid for pundit. Anyone and everyone who is not offended or outraged by the explicit treason of those supporting this immigration bill; is either a traitor or is not aware of the immigration bill that would give amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens.

Are the majority of legalized and natural born citizens all bigots and racists? I do not believe that. The majority of Black and Hispanic legalized and natural citizens are as outraged by illegal immigration as are White citizens. Those who defend illegal immigration are either illegal themselves or are profiting by illegal immigration. Employers who hire them, businesses who cater to them, relatives who want to bring more of the family members into the country, or churches who need to fill their dwindling congregations. Greed and profit have always motivated people to create traitorous actions against their own country.

All traitors are being exposed by their vote or no vote. These men and women if unchecked will bring down this country to the living standards of third world countries. This is their real aim. Mammon is their god. How could they believe anything else? What God of justice and righteousness would allow thieves and wicked rulers to benefit from their crimes and treason? These men and women claim the cloak of Humanitarianism for their betrayal and allie with those who hold up their cross of compassion know they are deceiving us. They raise their cross and flag as globalist, capitalist, and communist idealists, to justify their looting the U.S Treasury to support the entire world at the expense and destruction of the American middle class.

Americans are a proud and determined people. Once they are alerted to the ominous threats that are facing them from within their own government and from outside; they will rise up in hundreds of millions and destroy the system, that allows these traitorous actions to be committed. I believe they can commit ourselves to the reconstruction of a greater,freer and more just nation.

As an American citizen I can not keep my silence on this matter of illegal immigration. I can not keep silent on the grand theft of the U.S Treasury by the Federal Reserve; that daily destroys the value of our currency with usury and inflation, through the complicity of the (selected leaders) of this nation. I can not accept that 47 million legal U.S citizens can not afford health care. I can not accept that one out of four children in the U.S live below the poverty line, and do not have adequate food; while their parents jobs are being outsourced to third world countries, and illegal immigration is lowering the wages of legal Americans and lowering the standard of education of the American student and allowing the english language to become a secondary language in our schools. I can not accept that our local and state governments are doing all they can to correct these national problems by spending their cities and towns into bankruptcy , ignoring the electorate ,enriching themselves and their cronies, creating sanctuary cities, and harboring illegal aliens in defiance of state and federal laws. I do not believe, nor will I ever accept; that this nation is at risk from foreign military invasions. I will never accept that the U.S must spend half of the total sum of monies spent in the entire world for militaries, to pay for our own military defense. I will never accept that we must spend over 100 billion dollars a year for foreign aid to bolster tyrannical regimes around the world; when nearly 500,000 of our veterans are homeless, or living below the poverty level. These men and women were made desparately ill or severly injured by serving their country; then they are abandoned and ignored by the treasonous men and women in their own government and military.

Our country is being invaded, our treasury is being looted. We are being spied upon by our government, our personal incomes and standard of living are being destroyed by criminal and traitorous leaders and legislators. Our leaders and legislators are stealing our elections, stealing our standard of living, stealing our futures and the futures of our children. Rise up true Americans, we can not close our eyes any longer to what is happening to us. We must send our message of anger to the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. Form community and state wide action committees to oversee local and state governments. Re instate our democratic power and authority. Write millions of letters to the editors of your conglomerate controlled newspapers and television stations, demanding that they expose the truth, or you will boycott all of their sponsors. Picket their studios. We must show them our power, show them our anger, show them our commitment to their destruction, and our commitment to the rebuilding of our nation, on the refined principles it was founded upon. Prove to these horrid men and women ; that we are a nation of people worthy of dignity, freedom and liberty, worthy of emulation through out the world, as a model of perfect government and perfect society, and we will never tollerate anyone; who would betray us, or deter us from the achievement of our goal.


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