

Jul 05 2007

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Does it bother anyone that multi millions of dollars will be made by the Live Earth Concert promoters and the musicians on seven continents, promoting their paranoia of global warming, as the most important issue facing the survival of the planet? I am certain many people aren’t bothered by this and many are eager to watch it. In fairness it is a good thing to promote less global pollution. However climate change is inevitable and a part of the planetary evolution. World wide wars using depleted uranium, bio and chemical weapons are never mentioned by Mr. Gore as the most serious global problem. Nor does he mention the mass injections of the AIDS virus disguised as immunizations given to third world populations. Mr. Gore will never mention the Black Op global weather modification operations creating droughts,floods and irratic weather patterns, designed to deliberately destroy entire regions of continents,to achieve globalist goals of population control and the theft of natural resources. (refer to Agenda 21 and Global 2000 available on Google search)

Al Gore has jumped on an issue that has no man made solution, but will serve to fleece the world and add greatly to good old Al’s pockets. All proceeds of these concerts go to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a non profit chaired by none other than Al Gore. It is similar to George Bush’s war on global terrorism. G.W and his family and friends are reaping vast fortunes in arms sales through global military buildups. The Carlyle group founded by G.H.W Bush , and other notables as the Bin Laden family and members of former Reagan and Bush I administrations’ cabinet members, is one of the world’s most ambitious and politically connected arms merchants. Dick Cheney’s Haliburton is the world’s largest war profiteer . Al Gore’s multi million dollar family trust, gained by oil revenues, has invested heavily in Green energy and nuclear energy as well as fossil energy. Al Gore is also the spokesman for a major Hedge fund investing in utilities and green energy of the future. Jebb Bush left the Florida governorship to enter into a large investment group devoted to ethanol production. G.W Bush in his State of the Union Address stated; that he wanted a major private and government investment in ethanol and other sources of clean energy. Since then the price of corn has nearly tripled, third world countries whose people are dependent on corn as a food staple, are facing rapidly rising corn prices, also the rising price is greatly effecting farmers and ranchers; who feed corn to their livestock. This sudden interest in “Green”fuel all leads to world wide currency inflation, caused by commodities speculation on oil and corn, also other crops that can create bio fuels. The rising costs of staples is leading to starvation, civil unrest, and greater global military interventions by the U.S and other countries’ militaries and U.N forces. This will serve to strengthen the world’s demand for massive arms sales to supply militaries, and for a buildup of a large permanent global military. (One of the primary goals of the New World Order)

War takes the greatest toll on the planetary population. Wars cause disease and starvation. Wars cause massive pollution through waste and military buildups and profiteering. Wars cause massive migrations of refugees and the abandonment of entire cities and villages. War causes most of humanity’s suffering and much of the global pollution by the deliberate distruction of homes, forests, natural resources, and agricultural land. Currently in Iraq and Afghanistan millions of rounds of depleted uranium bullets have been fired . Not only have they caused the immediate deaths of hundreds of thousands of insurgents, soldiers and civilians in these countries it has also polluted the land and water and air with radioactivity. Recent reports from Iraq claim the Tigris and Euphrates rivers , the origins of human civilization , are devastingly polluted with human and animal bodies, toxic chemicals and human waste, due to destroyed sewer systems and massive carnage. Official estimates have been reported stating; that the radioactive pollution alone throughout Iraq, will take upwards of 5 to 10 thousand years to neutralize. The greatest threat to the Iraqis people next to being killed by the war itself, is the vast number of birth defects and deformities being caused by the direct effects of radiation on the Iraqis population from depleted uranium. (See Beyond Treason .com)

The Live Earth Concert scheduled for this weekend 7/7/07, is nothing more than an attempt to persuade the world to look away from the real causes of the destruction of the planet. The concert is designed to make heros of Al Gore and all the other “concerned” world celebrities; who are greatly profiting from the proposed Greening of the Globe . Those who will profit by this Live Earth Concert are; Al Gore and his Alliance for Climate Protection, the world wide corporate advertizers, and the promoters of musical artists and music companies , NBC, and globalist spokesmen, who will have a world wide audience to promote their Globalist Agenda. It will be interesting to note who the sponsors of the concert are. I can see sponsors such as oil companies, auto companies, tire companies, Green Financial Groups, Jebb Bush’s ethanol company, Monsanto, Dupont, the U.S military,world mining companies. It’s also interesting to note that NBC is the network broadcasting the concert. NBC’s parent company is General Electric, one of the worlds leading weapons manufacturers, and one of the leading corporate polluters on the planet. GE has been cited by EPA reports and independent environmental organizations,as being responsible for two thirds of all the brownfields in the United States, and as one of the largest global polluters.

An optimistic estimate of two billion people will watch the Live Earth Concert broadcasted from seven continents. As of today a Brazilian judge has cancelled the concert in Rio due to the lack of security available to handle the large crowds that were expected to attend. The Rio concert was the only free concert of the seven. It is surprizing that they cancelled. Brazil is the leading ethanol producer in the world and the only country that has achieved energy self sufficency. The Guardian a British newspaper, recently exposed that Brazil had recently staged a raid that freed 1108 debt slaves from one sugar cane plantation . Large sugar cane plantations use thousands of slave laborers to harvest the sugar cane, used primarily in the production of ethanol. Brazil has a special agency in their Labor Ministry specifically to combat this wide spread slavery problem.

Green Energy comes at a severe human cost not mentioned in the paranoia promoting presentations of Al Gore and other notable “Green”celebrities. The Live Earth Concert is simply another globalist distraction to keep world attention away from the real polluters and profiteers. I will be one of the 5 billion people in the world, who will not watch the concert this weekend. I will also be one of the few, but growing numbers of people in the world, who will not endorse Mr. Gore’s Green Globalist plans for greater restrictions of individual freedoms, the promotion of mass starvation , global debt slavery, and globally orchestrated distractions used to deflect world attention away from the planet destroying actions of the gluttonous profiteers of fear; who are the real menaces to the future of humanity.


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