

Nov 12 2020

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What’s Dung is Dung and Cannot be Undung.


By Ilene Proctor


From the demented sperm of Donald J. Trump comes three awful offspring: Don Jr.,  Ivanka, and the skinny bit twig known as Eric Trump.

There’s something about third- and fourth-generation inherited wealth that requires serious social investigation., Not only does family money get chopped apart as it passes from generation to generation, it has great potential for self-destruction.

The same story plays out a thousand different ways: Hardscrabble immigrant grandfather makes the money, a disturbed and emotionally stunted magnate, Fred Trump sustains the business while living well all his days and then the Third, softened to marshmallow shallowness by a charmed life, fails in his duties as scion but is golden lifejacketed  from public failure by a love money-blinded father. There’s a phrase: ‘Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations,’ that inevitably seems to play out in predictable repetition. Oedipus wrecks.

Despite his ascending to the presidency Trump still lives a life of constipated intelligence who cannot be bothered with boring matters of state, the reality of facts,  and is one who  lacks a life of philosophic thought and identity outside of his daily twitterathons which emanate from the bowels of the white house toilet.  Talk of human scum and dung.

The two degenerations never seem as comfortable together as when they’re tussling, nuzzling and throwing each other mind games.

Imprisoned by wealth, these fourth generation princelings appear narcissistic and vicious characters reminiscent of the Real Housewives franchise,

We’re told that wealth is not for kind and gentle souls, but a sport for bloodthirsty animals. While entitlement and narcissism are extremely prevalent in inherited income peers, their obsession with power, prestige, and vanity often serves them well in their financial life, it wreaks havoc with all the important other relationships that are thrust into  their lives.

In addition to suffering from narcissism and addictive personalities, people of wealth also suffer from “low frustration tolerance.” They want what they want and they want it NOW.

They’ll pay extra for immediate gratification and haven’t the time nor the patience to wait for anything, including the time it takes for seeds to fertilize. America is looking on in horror as DT daily rails against the constitution with his diarrhea mouth, constipated brain, and vulgarian vocabulary, There isn’t enough toilet paper in the world to wipe away the harm Donald Trump is doing as he shits on the press, sluts his stuff on women, the courts, immigrants, Muslims, Democrats, protesters and anyone who disagrees with him,

This proto Mussolini is leading the GOP march toward full control of all branches of the government, and with it the frightening power to amend the Constitution into their own authoritarian image…or ex-Ruskie Ayn Rand’s. Beware severe Trumpitis. the enema of the people.

If he is leading us off the cliff, we should at least be aware of what will happen when people follow this pied piper

With Republicans having veto-proof control in many states, they can do something that has never been done before—hold a constitutional convention, and then ratify new amendments that are put forth. To date, all amendments have been initiated from Congress where two-thirds of both houses are required. In either case, 38 states would be needed to ratify the amendments. The Republicans are well on their way.

Not for naught, was Trump and his wife dancing to the tune of “I Did It My Way” during the inauguration.  Our Ship of State which for many has been the flagship of democracy will than cease to exist. Gone collective bargaining, abortion outlawed, progressive income just a remembrance of times past, farewell to class action law suits, privatizing of social security, enter “free choice” in all school systems, and so on The dream of the Grotesque Old Party come true: outlaw the New Deal and its social democratic programs. And if the God and Guns party get everything they want, they could end separation of church and state and undo other portions of the Bill of Rights.

The Midterms created a new lane on the highway towards Democracy.  Amazing acts of resistance are popping up all over the country prove that the progressive spark is alive and well.

While the Tea Party and the right had a clear message—big government is bad—progressives were asleep at the helm,, saying little to nothing collectively about runaway inequality.

Now the marvelous anti-Trump resistance has become a common national movement that binds us together and directly confronts runaway inequality.

We need to come out of our comfort couches because nearly every issue we work on is connected by growing inequality. The bottom line: we cannot let the grass roots rot away with time. Stay tuned and stay on. Our very democracy depends upon it.

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