

Sep 22 2018

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Palestinian Al. Rowwad Children’s Theater Production of “Children of the Camp”

This featured presentation was filmed for the L.A.Steel Television Show in 2005 when the Al.Rowwad Children’s Theater toured the U.S sponsored by Palestinian and Human Rights advocates to bring attention in the U.S to the plight and genocide of Palestinian people living as refugees in the open air prison camp of Gaza with millions of Refugees. The brutality and unlawful acts against the Palestinian people by the Israelis and their army have devastated Palestine and killed hundreds of thousands by brutality and outright genocide. The Al.Rowwad Children’s Theater was founded as a creative expression for the Palestinian children imprisoned in the Refugee camp of Gaza to express their anger and show their plight and the injustice of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Also to express the world condemnation of the Palestinian genocide. Since 2005 the genocide has been increased by the Israeli and U.S government and the recent 2018 U.S withdrawal of humanitarian aid to Palestine and centering the U.S embassy in Jerusalem has undermined the entire peace negotiations.

This program took place in 2005, these children have all grown into adulthood, and are still under siege in Gaza. Some are engaged in the ongoing protests, others have moved on to universities and careers, and left Palestine unable to return. Gale Courey Toensing was one of the American sponsors for the Al.Rowwad tour in the U.S and brought the production to Connecticut. In part two of this program we interviewed her and the directors of the theater group . This is a rare opportunity to see a great performance of the play “Children of the Camp”. Since 2005 little progress for peace has been made for the Palestinian people, except only to get worse.

Journalist and Palestinian activist Gale Courey Toensing passed away this year, but she and others like her will always be remembered for their advocacy and humanitarian efforts to bring public awareness to the plight of the Palestinians and the injustice being done to them by Israel and the U.S. All nations in the U.N except the U.S have condemned Israel for its genocide and apartheid racist government. Recently in 2018, the U.S withdrew from the U.N Human Rights Council because they can no longer advocate for Human Rights if they continue to support the Israeli occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people.

I hope viewers will enjoy this program and share it with their friends and families and see and understand these children and adults as they define through theater their personal sufferings and those of all the Palestinian people under occupation.

L.A. Steel


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