

Sep 19 2017

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world without reason 2017


In a world without reason chaos rules.

The betrayal of all you are and represent  becomes scandal.

No one can approach the light of fame without being blinded and burned.

That I learned to sing and dance and play an instrument meant little to my

development. I can sing a song , I can paint a picture , I can see tomorrow and yesterday and today. Sudden memories of songs I’ve sung and statements I have made to audiences, without knowing the effect it has on anyone.  Music and art are personal, as are poems and essays and journals. I speak personally and honestly.

I have a dim focus on the long list of things I have done, both good and bad. I write this today not as a statement of existence, but  as a poem of existence. My words are my children, as well mannered or rude as they are. They play together in my mind as brothers and sisters and cousins and friends in constant conversations.  Hundreds and thousands of words pass through my mind, onto countless pages of  questions and answers. Here I am, and so are you. It is a good place, where friends meet and talk, and create stories about the wonders we have heard and seen.

L.A. Steel


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