

Sep 17 2017

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I never thought I was difficult to understand. Lately I have become more confusing for some of my readers. I am still angry at Trump and Pence and today I saw a motorcycle group with some wearing Nazi Helmets as they drove down Main St. in my small New England town. A few bikers in Nazi helmets weighed at least 280-300 pounds,  riding large Harleys . It was a pathetic throw back to the early 1950 and 60s biker gangs. It was stupid then and even more stupid now. This White Supremacist, Neo Nazi insanity that appears to be prevalent in U.S society today is a frightening throwback to a time in our country when Blacks and Minorities were second class citizens, and segregated from White Society.

I have lived for over 60 years with this White Supremacy looming over the country. Many people in the 1960s and 1970s were incensed and outraged by the bigotry in the U.S and many of those people who protested then,are still amazed and confused by the racism depicted today by White Supremacists groups and even the President of the U.S.  I have been in a contemplative mood for the last week or so as many have noticed ,as they have read my articles and seen my art work. Trying to understand the devastation of the hurricanes, the indifference to it from Congress, and the strange public relations moves by the Trump Administration to ingratiate himself with the general public, by feeding hot dogs to flood victims, just doesn’t seem to be enough to validate his heartless bills on DACA and Healthcare.  Trump can not express his concern for anyone , when he decides to deport 790,000 young productive and educated illegal immigrants who have been in the country since they were 5 and 6 years old.

This week he will be giving his first speech to the UN.  It will be amazing weither it is a good or bad speech. No one believes it will be a good one.  As Trump goes here and there and everywhere to calm or appease his critics at home and abroad, his own supporters are now losing faith in him, since he turned his back on the Republicans and softened his stance on Dreamers and compromised with the Democrats.

I have been hard to understand lately, but I believe my work reflects my attitude towards all that is happening world wide. The recent London bombing is another example of European tolerance of  unlimited Muslim Immigration. European pacifism and racial and religious tolerance is beginning to erode European civilizations and  threaten all Europeans well being and safety. ISIS must be stopped in Europe and in the U.S.  The acceptance of terrorists in European countries proves the impotence and indifference of European governments to stop the wide spread immigration of non European people, and the threat they pose to European societies and safety.





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