

Sep 12 2017

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Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Floods and Fires (A Poem)


Hurricanes howl as I climb the highest tower to observe the sight and sounds of

angels crashing.  The storm surge rises to historic heights as the damaged sea is without

water. The great ocean of power and punishment against mankind and

all living things  storms against the ancient shores of Elysium and Heaven

but can not gain entry.

This is where the magic is, where it begins and never ends,

until we can no longer imagine the wonder of our creation.

Howling wolves cry for the moon to cease shining and allow their

souls to rest in darkness.  Saviors of salvation are not welcomed

there, beneath the misery moon and all sun needy lives are blind and

kidnapped into darkness. Patient Sun be reborn for all too blind to see.

I hear and see the storm rage against my windows and roof and watch the rain, thunder  and

lightening crash against the ground. I feel the thunder boom as it vibrates the window panes

and foundation. Great Mother of Mankind, who are you to abort your children by hurricanes,

earthquakes , floods and fires?  How have we marred the world to warrant our destruction?

Until the Great Mother smiles upon her creations, nothing will calm her wrath,

while we are punished and abused, we wonder why she gave us birth.


L.A. Steel



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