

Aug 22 2017

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sized bomb

Everything about the Trump White House and presidency appears to be similar to a radiation blast zone in Nevada or more recently in Fukashima. Washington D.C is a dead zone. All Trump and Republican supporters of Trump are falling ill daily from “Trump Sickness.” Everyone in Washington D.C is gasping in the excessive heat of August, and the compulsive upheaval of Trump’s presidential puking of executive orders, lies and insane behavior.  His staff are being fired and investigated, as his family members are loosing their luster and glow of billionaires without cares. They are burning to a crisp under the harsh  blaze of Congressional and Special Prosecutor’s investigations and public and media criticism, as well as the newly added heat of criticism from so many angry, abruptly departed, former Trump staffers.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. have been quoted saying, “They can’t wait for their father’s presidency to end.” Donald Jr. may have made that wish come true by revealing the Russian emails given to the Trump campaign to destroy Hillary Clinton’s campaign. So many scoundrels surround Donald Trump, that their  diseases are contaminating the entire White House and government departments they administrate. Between Trump’s bouts of bigotry,  tweets, and explosive anger at his critics and his own staff members, all astute political observers can see the signs of the advancing Dead Zone, and hear the desperate cries of Donald Trump, as he sinks further into madness and despair.

Tonight in Phoenix Arizona Trump expects to give a speech to his fledgling supporters against the advice of the Republican Mayor of Phoenix. Tens of thousands anti and pro Trump supporters are expected at the rally.   “Biker’s For Trump” expect to be at the rally to “defend” Trump and his supporters from Antifa and other anti Trump protesters.  One of the greatest farces in America today are” Bikers For Trump”, notorious for their vast methamphetamine use and manufacturing in the U.S.  Fat, bearded, brain dead members of biker gangs in black leather jackets, hyped up on hate, exhaust fumes, meth and  liquor all headed to the Trump rally in Phoenix. This rally will bring an end to the Trump presidency with a ferocious fight between the warring factions. This may well be the deciding moment of truth for Trump and his supporters. Pheonix Arizona will look and feel like a nuclear bomb blast site in 105 degrees expected temperature, with  broken, bruised and dead bodies strewn through out Ground Zero of the the Trump rally.

All who still have their Solar Eclipse Glasses, may want to wear them while watching the Trump speech tonight on television, to prevent the blasts of light from bond fires, bomb blasts and White Supremacist Tiki Torches injuring their eyes, as the Trump presidency goes down in flames.

L.A. Steel


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