Anyone who works for the Trump administration now is an idiot. Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Kelly Anne Conway, Stephen Bannon, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,Reince Priebus, are all slated for indictment, resignation, or termination. Anyone left on the White House staff will be undercover FBI and government informants, or patriotic Americans who refuse to let Trump destroy the country. Trump fooled everyone,including his staff and family as to how low down and dirty he really is. He is ready to throw his #1 son Donald Jr. under a bus, why would anyone think he would spare them a worse fate. He’s convinced based on his recent tweet storm that he “can pardon anyone including himself.”
Above and beyond all others connected to Trump’s administration, Jeff Sessions is without a doubt the biggest fool. Trump is daily bashing him and wants him to resign, but he will not because, he “likes his job.’ I am concerned that Sessions without a doubt is an idiot. I once thought he had some integrity, but it appears that he has none. He’s a Trump “cock holster”. He’s a cruel, ignorant and racist prick. He wants to seize all money and property owned by people arrested , regardless if they are guilty or not. He wants longer incarcerations, for drug users and dealers, he wants to abolish legal marijuana regardless if it is legal in more than half the states. He refuses to acknowledge the proof that Cannabis is an effective medical treatment for many illnesses. Sessions clung on to Trump and pushed his campaign ahead, regardless of how ignorant , racist and outright insane Donald Trump is. This says it all about Sessions. Donald Trump wants to fire Sessions, and Sessions is too stupid to leave willingly, before Trump completely humiliates him in an insane tweet storm and on air put downs. The thought of Sessions replacement might be Rudi Guilliani must make Sessions’ head spin around. Gulliani is a cross dressing, Knighted by the Queen, lying sack of deviant crap. He has no credibility with Trump’s right wing base, and he has no credibility with Congress, or any honest, Law Enforcement Agent in government.
I will bet that “The Mooch” will fire the entire White House Staff as he threatened publicly to do, and then Trump will fire him as he is indicted for money laundering Russian Mob billions into Trump’s businesses and presidential campaign. What more can anyone expect from Trump or a former hedge fund manager nicknamed “The Mooch”. If it weren’t really happening , the entire Trump election and administration could be a great political thriller on HBO or Netflix, make House of Cards look like a children’s series.
My greatest concern isn’t that Trump fires everyone on his staff, my concern is that the Democrats and Robert Mueller aren’t serious and are playing political theater. They have taken no real actions to Impeach Trump or indict him for high crimes and treason, just as they did nothing to Hillary Clinton for all of her crimes. Either the Democrats strike now, and put the dagger into Trump’s presidency, or they will lose again in 2018 with no credibility, and Trump will continue his insanity with the Republicans until 2020 , when the country is in a complete nose dive, and nothing will help it from crashing and burning with no survivors.
L.A. Steel
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