I’m not a fan of Democrats or Republicans but the irony of last night’s baseball game score can’t be over stated. Democrat / Bernie supporter shoots 4 Republican ball players / Democrats win ball game by an overwhelming score of 11 to 2. Maybe the Republicans were all looking over their shoulders for shooters, instead of keeping their minds on the game. I didn’t understand why no local television news reports would say who won or what the score was, but only reported on the political unity emphasized by all at the game, until I looked up the results of the game on Google and saw the final score of 11 -2. Not only were the Republicans defeated by their congressional rivals, they were humiliated by them on the field.
Perhaps the shooting put out of the game several better Republican players, but I can’t help wonder if the overwhelming defeat of the Republicans by the Democrats wasn’t in some way fueled by the new found resolve and aggression of some Democrat legislators and their fans in the stadium, who realize their base is far more radical than they realized , and may use violence against Trump and Republicans. The belligerence and arrogance of the Republican Congressional majority is silenced and retreating from fear and cowardice. Even the biggest Ass Kicking Republican cheerleader Ted Nugent came out with a statement yesterday, that he was not going to talk about politics anymore, because it causes too much division. (And he’s afraid of getting shot at one of his Pro Trump concerts).
Maybe James T. Hogkinson’s actions and subsequent death has embolden Liberal Americans , who may consider him as a martyr. Liberals have been seen by Conservatives and Republicans as non violent wimps, but Liberals are fighting back hard against the cruelty and insanity that the Republicans and Trump are, and will not tolerate Republican greed and stupidity to dominate the U.S Government any longer. I am glad the Democrats won the ball game, and hope they will carry their winning attitude into Congress and defeat the Republicans there, through their own bills and hearings, to unseat Donald Trump and end his Administration of Russian spies.
Chalk one up for the Democrats, who finally won a game against the Republicans. My only hope is that politics is no longer to be considered a game , but a dead serious, life altering change for the good, in the way the U.S Government is managed.
L.A. Steel
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