

May 10 2017

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The Donald’s Days Are Severely Numbered

resisting trump 4 2017

Trump’s firing of FBI Director Comey is the beginning of ” The Unraveling”, of Trump’s administration. It has been fraying ever since he was inaugurated, and now appears to be torn irreparably. The tattered tapestry of Trump’s Administration began to seriously unravel, with the downfall of KellyAnne Conway and Steve Bannon as top advisers, then came the Sean Spicer meltdowns, and the insider insults against Jared Kushner and Ivanka .  The Donald’s incompetence and collusion with foreign countries in business dealings are a direct conflict of Interest for Trump and his family members. The lies and deceptions Trump has been continually telling are now creating a karmic impact on him, and the impeachment of Nixon nightmares are about to be replayed against Trump, to  plague Americans.

Of all Trump’s apparent personal weaknesses his greatest weakness is his apparent narcissism. Now that Comey has been fired , Trump is considering replacing him with Rudy Guiliani or (God Forbid) , Chris Christy. These two names have been mentioned by the media as possible replacements. Both are close confidants of Trump, and neither would qualify for confirmation. Both are dirty as hell. Guliani’s 911 coverup involvement, and Christy’s Bridgegate, would shut them both down in any confirmation hearing. Plus Jared Kushner would never allow Trump to pick Christy, because Christy was the prosecutor who convicted his father of fraud.

Trump has no where to run to now. The firing of Comey proves his complicity in the Russian probe and proves beyond reasonable doubt that Trump is a crook, a liar, and a traitor to the American people. His election was a billionaires’ coup. as investigative reporter Greg Palast has stated recently. Trump must soon be stopped and defeated. If a Special Prosecutor is brought in to investigate the Trump Administration, he and congress will demand the disclosure of all Donald Trump’s and his family’s tax returns.  I believe that the investigation and the tax returns will prove Trump and members of his administration have been colluding with the Russians through out the 2016 election cycle.  Hillary and the Democrats destroyed themselves in 2016, by alienating Americans with a pathetic presidential candidate,  a brain dead platform,  and openly stealing the Democrat primaries, and undermining the debates.

Goodbye Donald, it has been a hell of a wild ride . The good you have done was to expose and destroy both Democrat and Republican Parties, however your impeachment will be coming soon. The trial may last the remainder of this year , but it will prove your guilt, and bring down your administration and the Republican Party, before you and your billionaire cronies completely destroy the country in war and poverty, and steal the last dime in the U.S Treasury.

L.A. Steel



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