

Jan 25 2017

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Donald Trump’s last stand against the indigenous people of America will not be a victory for him.  Trump doesn’t seem to understand the validity of American Indian treaties, nor does he appear to respect Environmental Safeguards. The Dakota Keystone XL Pipeline Trump recently approved appears to be not only a potential environmental disaster,  but it violates treaties and indigenous ancestral burial grounds .  This is a major insult to all native Americans, but also a major nightmare that could pollute their Dakota water supply. The insanity of the Army Corp of Engineers to build a pipeline under a river, that supplies the water to the indigenous people in the area makes no sense to anyone but a greed driven pipeline company , and now the President of the U.S. Trump is blind on this issue, that will cost him great credibility with over half of Americans and cast doubt on any of his executive orders and proposed legislation. By Donald Trump’s disregard for Indigenous people their treaties and  rights , he has shown his contempt and the dishonesty of his campaign slogan of ‘Make American Great Again”.

General George Custer and the 7th Cavalry thought they were all heroes. Sitting Bull and thousands of other Indians destroyed Custer and his myth of heroism at Custer’s last stand, and revealed Custer for who and what he was, the same way the U.S invasion of Iraq proved G.W Bush and his Neocon henchmen were all genocidal maniacs. I hope Donald Trump is not another maniacal  George.W Bush, or George Custer.

I have supported many of Trump’s policies and Cabinet selections so far, but his pipeline authorization is a great folly for Trump, and reveals his callous contempt for the rights of indigenous people in the U.S and around the world,as well as millions of Americans who will be adversely effected by the pipeline.  Recently 2000 veterans joined the protest against the Keystone Pipeline development, and numerous oil and gas pipelines around the country that are proposed or now being built .  Keystone Pipeline Protesters are being beaten and sprayed by water cannons during the Dakota Winter , many of these protesters are Veterans. The illegal evacuation and assault against the indigenous people of North Dakota is a symbolic reminder of the great injustices done to the Indian Nations by another populist /nationalist president , Andrew Jackson.  Donald Trump may believe he is a fair and just man and President, but this action of approving the Keystone Pipeline may be just the beginning of a long and hard fought war by environmentalists and indigenous rights groups, to end environmental destruction of Indigenous lands protected by Treaties, and 100 years of pro environmental safeguards for America’s natural resources, established first by Teddy Roosevelt another Republican Populist President, who established the National Parks.

I refer my readers to the pipeline-news.com website for a grand list of proposed and active pipeline projects in the U.S and other countries. The oil and pipeline  industry  has shown its proven disregard for lands destroyed and people displaced, because of pipeline leaks and explosions.  Americans do not need Canadian shale oil from the Canadian Tar Sands. This oil is the dirtiest and most high carbon oil produced in he world. It is simply a Trump appeasement to the Canadian and American oil companies.  Energy is vital to any country , but the destruction of natural resources and sacred lands should never be allowed .

On this issue and others related to energy production in the U.S , I disagree wholeheartedly, and will protest with millions of other Americans against Donald Trump, if he does not rescind his executive order on the Keystone Pipeline, and continues to undermine the sanctity and safety of American People and others around the world.  Americans can not allow their country to become another China, where no pollution or environmental standards exist.  Trump’s presidency has begun in civil unrest and will end with greater riots, and his possible Impeachment. I am speaking to Mr. Trump  and all of his supporters, as someone who also supports Mr. Trump, but I must warn that  if Trump continue to ignore the rights of Indigenous Americans and their treaties, and the demands of the 50% of Americans who did not vote for him, and do  not support him, he may have the shortest presidency in American History.

L.A. Steel


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