

Jun 27 2016

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I am proud of the British people for taking back their country.  I really enjoyed watching David Cameron announce his resignation, and I enjoyed watching a very brief interview on BBC with Tony Blair. The globalist war criminal was very disappointed with the British vote to Leave the EU. Anything that makes David Cameron and Tony Blair disappointed is a good thing for England and the rest of the world.

The Globalist bankers and marketeers will get back at England by devaluating the English currency, but  it is all a scam to profit on the financial scare, and big banks will not lose , only the poor bastards who depended on the stock market stability , but that is a farce as well. Watch the Federal Reserve bail out England with American taxpayer money, after all The Royal Bank of Scotland is part of the Federal Reserve, international banking is all incestuous, and all banks are first cousins to the Rothschild banking empire.   It is a rigged system.  Only Hedge funds make money on massive currency trading.  It is beat up England for the next few weeks, until the Hedge funds decide it is time to reinvest in the British Currency and make billions by driving up the British Pound by buying it low and reselling it to the idiots, who will buy it from them at inflated prices.  The system is rigged. The English people did a great thing by breaking away from the EU, and regaining their sovereignty. Now they must break away from their monarch and they may have a great country that will put the EU to shame , and allow the entire dismantling of the New World Order control of Europe. Let the British people follow the democratic example of Iceland. Jail all bankers and begin a national public bank, and elect a new government, and write a new Constitution.

L.A. Steel

Independent Write In Presidential Candidate 2016


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