

May 28 2008

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John McCain is a MILF ( MCCAIN IS a LYING F–K)

John McCain is a MILF ( MCCAIN IS a LYING F–K)

I have granted John McCain the right honorable title of MILF. You may wonder how I came up with this title , and why you found this article while searching one of the search engines for something else. Perhaps it’s best left unexplained. For those not familiar with American politics , or do not surf Republican political web sites, John McCain is the official U.S Republican presidential nominee.

Recently I have been inundated with YouTube videos of John McCain’s gaffs sent to me by several online organizations. My Blog Talk Radio profile page has been swamped with unwanted McCain ads . I can say without hesitation that I truly dislike John McCain, everything he stands for , and everyone who supports him. He is the ultimate liar, and the ultimate political hack. He’s the aged image of the Ken doll seen everywhere with his wife Barbie. As the Ken doll every movement he makes is manipulated by his handlers. He can not think for himself; that is why he changes his political views and public statements daily. He is a mindless , mechanical , talking ,wind up doll. Another political parasite Joe Lieberman, is constantly at his side to pull the string; that allows McCain to talk.

McCain is MILF and he is proud of it. His supporters are obviously MILF lovers. They recently gave him 3 million dollars at a private party attended by G.W. Bush. MILF is obviously the only qualification needed for being the Republican presidential nominee.


Permanent link to this article: http://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1164


1 comment

  1. Leslie

    Great article.

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