

Feb 26 2016

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I have refused to subscribe to CNN since 2000, because its owner CEO Ted Turner famously supports eugenics, and stated publicly that everyone except, the wealthiest people in the world are “Useless Feeders”. CNN has the most idiotic, biased reporters and anchormen and women. Wolf Blitzer who hosted the debate is a rabid Zionist, former AIPAC lobbyist. How fair and unbiased is a guy like Blitzer going to be in any report. I consider CNN almost but not quite as offensive as Telemundo. Unfortunately I can not rid Telemundo from my cable channels, they are provided free on the basic level of network television next to QVC, so I have deleted both from my channel selector.  Telemundo is the most ridiculous, lowest level television there is. They don’t even provide closed caption in English, and every English word spoken is dubbed over in Spanish. Aside from their ass shaking, skin tight miniskirted,weather women, and incredibly big breasted, nearly naked, talk show hosts, and idiotic programming, too obscene and moronic for anyone, except illiterate Mexican immigrants. I can’t believe that educated, intelligent Hispanics are not ashamed and embarrassed by Telemundo. The fact that anyone of Telemundo’s targeted audience would watch the Republican Debate is laughable, some may know who Donald Trump is, and that he wants to deport all illegal immigrants. In the Macho Mexican culture if they knew Marco Rubio was gay, they would never spend a second watching or listening to him, and definitely never vote for him.

Lucky for Donald Trump that few people really watch CNN or Telemundo,  Ted Cruz can’t muster any respect, even from the Republican Party. Senator Lindsey Graham stated yesterday at The National Press Club, that “If Ted Cruz was killed in the Senate and the Senate tried the murderer, the murderer would not be convicted.” So last night’s debate was considered worthless by anyone’s standards. Donald Trump supporters if they watched the debate, laughed at Cruz and Rubio’s attacks against Trump, and laughed at Trumps quick comebacks. I hand it to Trump for taking the desperate attacks against him, with cool, saying he ” was enjoying the debate, it was what he expected.”  His sharp statements calling Rubio a jokerman, and Cruz a Liar , was all he had to say. I am surprised he didn’t go after Rubio for his latest scandals and homosexuality, except for calling him a “Light Weight”. Trump is waiting for his chance to destroy Rubio, but he knows the Establishment is backing him and that Christie knocked him out in the last debate, Trump will destroy him in the next one, after everyone else has dropped out. It will be so easy for him, to get rid of Rubio. He’ll let the media build him up, and then crush him. He understands the media better than anyone.

I had to laugh at the Lame Stream Media this morning, when every network talk show had a Marco Rubio interview. He looked more like an idiot than ever, even with the soft soap questions he was asked. This was an obvious setup by the networks and their pathetic last ditch efforts to attack Trump for all his insults of them, and promote Rubio as his rival. Rubio is not a Trump rival, Marco Rubio is just a blob of gum under Trump’s $500.00 shoes. Cruz is more of a piece of dog crap Trump has to scrape off.  I suggest to Donald that he throw out the shoes and buy a new pair for the next debates, instead of trying to clean them off. Cruz and Rubio aren’t worth the effort, and Kasich and Carson are simply window dressings for the debates.

I’m aware as everyone is that Donald Trump has had a few problems in his past, but who hasn’t? Compared  to Hillary and Bill Clinton, Donald Trump is a Model Citizen. As he said in the debate, his hiring of illegals to build Trump Tower was 35 years ago, Rubio and Cruz were just finishing their potty training, when Trump was building Trump Tower, and developing property around the country.  Cruz and Rubio were still cutting their second set of teeth! The threat of Rubio or Cruz to Trump is so insignificant at this point,  that he can laugh his way to the Republican Nomination and treat  Rubio and Cruz like the spoiled, badly behaved children they really are, who still need their diapers, because they keep crapping in their pants.

Donald Trump still has a long way to go until November, but regardless of what he says or does to his opponents, his supporters will continue to grow as they see how truly weak and desperate his opponents are, as he gains more support by Republicans and Independents in Congress. Professional politicians see their opportunity to take advantage of Donald Trumps’s growing popularity and lengthening coattails , and he will likely become the Republican Nominee. All politicians regardless of their political party or ideologies are opportunists if nothing else. Once Donald Trump sweeps Super Tuesday, there will be no stopping him, and all his Establishment Enemies will want to be his friend. Then, Trump can either reject them or accept them as possible allies. Donald Trump is like a Heavy Weight Champion. He knows he’s going to get hit hard, but that doesn’t stop him from entering the ring, because he also knows he is smarter than his opponents and he can hit harder, and is determined to remain undefeated.


L.A. Steel

Independent Presidential Write In Candidate 2016









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