

Feb 24 2016

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I must always readjust my expectations of reality. I often wish goodness for the world, yet find what is good is too often covered up, neglected or rejected by all in power and the media. As I considered my presidential campaign and what would be a hope inspired message, I listened carefully to aspirations , lies and deceptions of all the other presidential candidates in the 2016 election, and hoped all would be exposed, before they stole more money and hope from their supporters.

Every article and essay I publish is a readjustment of someone’s reality, including my own. In June of 2015 when I first announced my presidential campaign, I was not certain what reaction I would receive from my readers, until I soon found to my great surprise, that millions of people have discovered my website and my message to them as a Write In Presidential Candidate. I have always had a strong commitment and devotion to my work, and feel it is imperative to publish and broadcast all the real news and commentary not covered by the national corporate owned media. I have fought battles of local and national censorship , to inform as many people as possible of unknown facts of controversial investigations, into the great deceptions by governments or corporations in the U.S and around the world. I have never stopped regardless of the many obstacles I face.

By readjusting my expectations I readjust my reality. As a Presidential Candidate I understand the odds of winning the presidency have been calculated at 10 million to 1, but people win the Powerball lottery with odds of 292 million to 1. Considering the odds of success or failure are only distractions to winning and achieving our goals.  Petty minds and petty people make up a large portion of America’s population, however millions of Americans are well aware of there odds of achieving their goals and dreams, but pursue them anyway, creating a new reality and reversing all odds in favor of success, instead of against success. We create our reality as wonderful or as bad as it is. I never accept defeat, but I accept the need to readjust my thinking to create a more favorable reality, than one that is not creating the success I desire.

When I was a child I wrote poems and painted and drew pictures, and created stories and an imaginary friend. This taught me to understand the transference of thoughts to actions, and action to creation of my reality. I was always pleased and excited to create pictures and songs and poems and things with Tinker Toys, and building blocks, and using my grandfather’s carpentry tools, to create a small sculpture, or carving or anything that filled my childhood imagination.  My teachers never understood my drive to create, and often referred to my creative spirit as my ability to create mischief. I had difficulty accepting no as an answer, for everything I wanted to try. The world outside ourselves too often condemns us for free thinking, and labels those who are free thinkers, radicals and revolutionists, people to be shunned and condemned,( or burned at the stake for heresy). I learned to accept those titles and still ignore the Boos and hate and condemnation of all who I shock, publicly criticize and condemn for their corruption, injustice and stupidity.

Readjusting Reality is what I do and have done my entire life, and will continue to do until I die. Upon my death I will once again readjust my reality, as I enter another dimension,to continue my eternal journey.


L.A. Steel

Independent Presidential Write In Candidate, 2016





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