

Feb 21 2016

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Nevada Was Another Rigged Democratic Caucus

“My parents told me to vote for Hillary, because Bernie is a Democratic Socialist.”  Many insecure young voters under thirty, who voted in the Nevada Caucus were brought their by their parents, and told to vote for Hillary or they would cut them out of their wills, stop paying for their college tuition, or kick them out of their houses.   I read an article today put out this morning by the Lame Stream Media and Yahoo News, that has been recently deleted,claiming a young undecided girl of 26, was the reason Hillary won in Nevada. She was quoted as saying she,” couldn’t decide who to vote for in the last few minutes, and decided to vote for Hillary because, she “loves Bernie but doesn’t believe he can win the general election because he’s a Democratic Socialist.”  This is the kind of Democratic Party political pressure that was imposed upon Nevada Democratic voters. Media pressure and public ignorance allowed Hillary to win the Nevada Caucus by a margin of 500 votes.  That wasn’t a win. I’m convinced that Caucuses are the most worthless political election events ever invented, and serve only to impede the Democratic Process.   Anyone who wins them seldom makes it to the general elections.  Between the Super Delegates rigging the vote, and the method of voting in these caucuses like Iowa,come down to a coin toss by one of the Super Delegates with a two headed coin.

Too keep the Nevada Caucus results in perspective for young voters, don’t let it defeat you, just understand that Caucuses are rigged by both political parties. It is a long way to November and much can change, Hillary could be indicted and arrested by the FBI. If Bernie Sanders is real and not a puppet of the Democratic Party and a Hillary Shill, he will break away from the party and run an Independent campaign the way he has in past elections for the Senate. It is up to his supporters to insist that he run as an Independent, or put enough pressure on the DNC to call off all Super Delegates and fixed caucuses and primaries, and demand that the votes be counted accurately and are real. Young voters must take their votes seriously, and not be intimidated by their jaded Hillary loving parents, teachers or friends, and view for themselves all the mounting public evidence against Hillary Clinton of her hundreds of crimes of corruption, lies and treason. Young and old supporters of Bernie Sanders must band together in the millions on social media and on the ground, and petition the Democrats, that they will not support Hillary as the Democratic candidate in the general election.  This would force the Democratic Party to concede to their demands.

Have faith young voters. Hillary will never make it to the general elections, she will be stopped by your unfettered  support of Bernie Sanders, and your demand for a revolutionary change in the American Government. I give Bernie Sanders the benefit of the doubt, that he is what he says he is, and will deliver what he says he will.  I can say honestly that I have seen many presidential hopefuls, and I have supported many candidates I believed in . I have been disappointed and betrayed by many of them, but I have never given up my ideals or integrity, or been paid off by anyone to be silent, or accept the corruption of any official elected or appointed, without publicly calling them out for what they were and are.  I give all credit and admiration to those young and old voters of integrity, courage and intelligence, who will never give up, and will continue to persist in demanding free and honest elections, and Independent , uncorrupt candidates they can trust not to let them down or sell them out.

As an Independent Write In Presidential Candidate, all primaries and caucuses are and always will be irrelevant to me and my supporters. Only a Write In, Independent, Candidate for President, can change the body politic in the United States, and only with an Independent controlled House and Senate will we ever bring about the revolutionary changes, that are desperately needed in this nation.


L.A. Steel

Independent Presidential Write In Candidate, 2016


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