

Feb 15 2016

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the desperation of hillary and the dnc


Americans can not let Hillary and the Democratic National Committee rig the Democratic primaries. It is sickening to think that the Democratic Party wants to destroy the campaign of one of its own candidates. I never thought I could despise a political party more than I do the Democrats. They have become the most hypocritical, and corrupt political party in the country. For many years I believed that Republicans were the more corrupt of the two, but now it appears that they are more democratic in their inclusion of candidates than the Democrats are.

The 21st Century Politic especially in the U.S is Fascism. Bushism was Fascism, Obamaism is Fascsim an oligarchic and dictator political ideology, both unconstitutional,but uncontested by congress or the Supreme Court. Bernie Sanders is the only elected official whose campaign is condemning the oligarchy that runs our government.That is why his campaign  is being publicly and privately sabotaged by the Democrat Party. Foolish Hillary supporters refuse to see what is happening before their eyes . They refuse to see Hillary’s corruption and incompetence, and the looming health issues she is facing from her concussion and hyper thyroid disease. She may collapse before she gets to the So.Carolina or Los Vegas debate. By her leaving the race, Bernie Sanders would be the only Democratic Candidate left, and if his campaign is maligned and unsupported by the Democratic National Committee, a Republican Contender like Donald Trump could sweep the general election in November, or open the field to more Independents like Bloomberg or myself to gain national interest.

I heard today that the Black Caucus is supporting Hillary. What a complete farce. Bernie should be Black America’s choice for President, but their leaders in Congress and in the black communities, for some unknown reason are supporting Hillary over Bernie.  Black leaders like Cornell West supports Bernie as does Al Sharpton, and others, but they are outsiders to the Democrat Party Process, and less a part of the Party Machine than Hillary. Black leaders in Congress have gone over to the Dark Side to support the Force of Hillary.

So far I have predicted the Republican and Democratic primary races correctly.  I picked Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to win New Hampshire and Bernie to win Iowa, which he really did, and  Hillary’s slim victory was decided by a coin toss, and super delegates rigged to support Hillary, and Ted Cruz cheated by stating Ben Carson had dropped out of the race on the day of the Iowa Caucus. As for the Republicans, I am enjoying the debates with great amusement. ‘Liar,Liar,Liar, Liar, you’re a Liar!” They are all Liars, and so is Hillary, Hillary’s mouth would set on fire if she ever told the truth.  Why the political system is so corrupt is because the Media and the Two Party machine can only operate on the grease of money. Money dominates politics, every candidate in the two parties is desperate and bound to their large donors. Thanks to the Supreme Court and one dead judge, Citizens United became law, that allowed unlimited corporate and individual donations to buy any candidate for any public office. At least Bernie Sanders isn’t a corporate beggar or thief, and neither is Trump, and neither am I. When all the battles are done, Hillary will not be standing, and the Democratic National Committee will be totally discredited, if Bernie breaks away from the party and runs the rest of his campaign as an Independent.


L.A. Steel

Independent Presidential Write In Candidate, 2016











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