

Nov 10 2015

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ALL LIVES MATTERI understand what the “Black Lives Matter” movement is saying, but it is such a narrow statement against a global issue, that encompasses all the world’s races. I am a white male who voted for Obama twice, because he was a better choice for President than McCain or Romney. I am disappointed in Barack Obama’s presidential track record, as are many Black and White voters who voted for him, but given the choice of what the Republicans offered, there really was not a viable Republican Presidential Candidate in 2008 or in 2012.


I was proud of America and being American in 2008, when the first Black Man became President by a sweeping majority.  It proved that racial hatred by the majority of Americans does not exist anymore. Americans have made great advancements towards racial tolerance and cooperation. Racial Hatred is a spirit of destruction and death. It accomplishes no positive result. Ferguson was a nightmare flashback from the sixties for millions of Americans, who witnessed the burning of Watts and other cities in the U.S. After the social revolution of the sixties Americans became more aware and more intolerant of racism. Massive Anti War protests were organized to demand the U.S Government recognize, that all lives matter,everywhere in the world.


My goal, as one who attended and documented many peace rallies, was to achieve racial and religious harmony, and stop the wars and destruction of the planet, and the death and suffering of billions of people.   Black lives do matter but so do all races and nationalities. My stand on illegal immigration has been stated in many articles on this website and in my book.  I still am opposed to illegal immigration, when I see so many American Citizens suffering and sacrificing, desperately trying to survive on minimum wage jobs, with no heath benefits for themselves or their families. American Citizens’ jobs are being sent to foreign countries, or taken from them by a workforce of illegal immigrants.Millions of Americans are reduced to humiliation, needing to accept government aid for food, shelter and healthcare, just to barely survive without being homeless or hungry.


Income inequality caused by the enslavement of the  U.S Government to The Federal Reserve System is the reason for the injustices against so many Americans.  The Federal Reserve’s manipulation of the American Currency and the illegal speculation of bankers have bankrupted our country, then made the U.S taxpayers bail them out by borrowing our money from the Federal Reserve, and paying them interest on it. This has created the enslavement of our government, and the entire American population, crushed by the weight of the enormous debt, wrongfully owed to the Federal Reserve.


Everyone will march, and cry, and shout “END THE FED”,when Americans understand, that income inequality and poverty are embedded in the foundation of our government and our entire society. Only by ending the Federal Reserve System and issuing our own currency,can Americans be free from the financial system, that has kept them enslaved for over a century.


L.A. Steel

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