

Oct 24 2015

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Why does Ben Carson have “low energy”?

DSC08493I appreciated that Donald Trump mentioned the “low energy” of another one of his Republican challengers Ben Carson.  I have noticed Carson’s odd demeanor  enough to make several comments about it to others regarding his half closed eyes and somewhat slurred speech. I do not doubt his intelligence or the apparent charm of his laid back approach to public speaking however, he is a Dr. and could easily have written  his own prescription for some drug, to calm him down before he gives a speech or get him through the day.   Many performers take something to either hype them up or calm them down, before and after their performances. Another famous Republican, Rush Limbaugh had an addiction to Oxycontin. Whatever Ben Carson is using, or if he isn’t using anything, he might consider using something to keep his eyes opened and not slur his speech. His drugged-like look is beginning to show up in his performances, and Donald Trump has noticed what millions of people have noticed about Ben Carson, and  brought to public attention in his campaign speech.


It appears that the rigged Democratic Primaries have concluded, after one public “Debate”. The two well known contenders Webb and Chaffee have dropped out of the race already, leaving one unknown candidate left to prop up on stage next to Bernie or Hillary.  So the winners of the Democratic Primaries by default  will be Hillary for President and Bernie as her VP running mate.  Only Donald Trump has the chance of defeating the Democrats and the Clinton Machine. No one will vote for Hillary except a few dementia ridden, or drug impaired, Democrat hangers on, and millions of illegal immigrants inspired by UNIVISION.   Most legal  Americans with any integrity will not vote for Hillary or Bernie or anyone of the Republican Candidates, except Donald Trump. How much confidence in the integrity of the two party system do Americans have left, after the last 100 years of incompetent presidents and a corrupt and incompetent Congress ?

L.A. Steel

Independent Presidential Candidate  2016

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