

Oct 08 2015

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L.A.STEELFOR PRESIDENT 2016 POSTER If the United States is to survive  the next few years Americans must END THE FED and issue its own currency.  Since the 2008 financial bailout of banks and corporations over 19 trillion dollars has been stolen from the American people and given to domestic and foreign banks and corporations to bail them out. But this 19 trillion dollars is currently unaccounted for by the Federal Reserve and is not being audited by their own Board of Governors, and has been dismissed by the current Congress. This known theft is just the tip of the iceberg. The Federal Reserve has hidden its spending and giveaway program by the pretense of fraudulent statements showing other countries buying American debt, when the The Federal Reserve has been actually buying U.S bonds and hiding their purchases by claiming this debt is bought by other countries.


The U.S Government has no control over the Federal Reserve. It may nominate the Fed Chairmen, but they are all former Federal Reserve Governors or Federal Reserve suggested appointees to the President and Congress. The Federal Reserve is  a conglomerate of 8 major banks in the U.S and Europe. Americans have been deceived since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the year that the Federal Reserve Act became law, but never ratified by 23 states.   Prior to this time there was no IRS or Federal Income Tax.  I urge all my readers to listen and watch the following video, and understand the great conspiracy and fraud, that is the Federal Reserve and the bankers, who now have total control over the U.S Government and the U.S dollar. I ask my readers to share this information with their friends and families around the world.


The understanding of our fraudulent monetary system must be known by all Americans so the U.S and the world can survive. The European Union operates under the same system. It is time for Americans to take back their stolen Treasury and constitutional right. We must END THE FED and prosecute and imprison every living  member of the Federal Reserve and Congress, who allowed this treason and national fraud to happen, and continue to happen, and are determined to destroy the United States through economic collapse and eternal indebtedness.   Many financial “experts” claim there will be a monetary collapse this year and next, they have been saying that for decades. What is known is that all monetary collapses such as the Great Depression that began in 1929, and again in 2008, were brought about by the same system, THE FEDERAL RESERVE,  its corrupt banks,  and the treasonous congress and presidents of the U.S Government.


The following video presentations shed light on this massive theft of American wealth, and the overwhelming stupidity as well as the corruption of the U.S Government. It is time for a real change of government in the U.S.  We can only restore the greatest country in the world by ridding ourselves of the Federal Reserve and every traitor in corporate and government leadership,  who are deliberately destroying our country by ignorance or by full knowledge of the diabolic scheme to destroy the United States.


L.A. Steel

INDEPENDENT 2016 U.S  Presidential Candidate


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