

Oct 04 2015

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The Trouble With Trump




Donald Trump can not lose even if he is not nominated by the Republican Party. He has created a greater name for himself than he already had. He’s a genius at self promotion and has all the money he could possibly need to win without begging for donations. The trouble with Trump is exactly that. He owes no one , even those who support him.  He is the only presidential candidate in history, except for myself , who has completely self financed his presidential campaign.  He owes no one. He could pay off all of his Republican contenders to drop out of the race, with the exception of Jeb Bush, who he hates and who hates him. Jeb Bush’s family trust and 100 million in corporate donations will allow him to ignore any attempt to pay him off ; even though Trump stated publicly that he pumped money into Jeb’s pockets, when Jeb was Governor of Florida.


Trump constantly states that he knows and understands politicians and has no respect for them.  The only political figure he ever talks about is none other than Ronald Reagan, who was the greatest fraud who ever held political office.  His big smile and non politically correct campaign won the elections for him 1980 and 1984 and turned the U.S into a fascist state, by nearly complete control of the conservative media owned by major corporations and banks that controlled the Presidency.   Ronald Reagan and George Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton, destroyed the American middle class and  unions and created millions of homeless Americans, and 3 million homeless veterans.


The fascists who still control our government and media have  destroyed the American middle class. All mainstream media is under corporate and government control. Today thanks to Ronald Reagan and the Bush dynasty and the corporate owned Obama,  every aspect of American life is controlled and monitored , from consumer spending to driving habits. Since Ronald Reagan’s,George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr.’s Bill Clinton and Barack Obama’s presidencies, Americans have lost over 5 million industrial jobs, fought and lost three  wars in the Middle East, spent tens of trillions of dollars , and received nothing but the death of thousands of American Soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani lives.


Cell phone and satellite  technology allows corporations and the U.S government complete ability to track everyone who uses a cell phone, and can monitor every conversation or text message.  We can thank  Reagan, Bush,  Bush 2, Bill Clinton and Obama for the wonderful police state America has become. Donald Trump may have a strong belief in the 2nd Amendment, but he also parrots Ronald Reagan’s political rhetoric , when he calls for “The strongest and biggest military in the world.” We already have the biggest military in the world and are currently involved with over 300 conflicts around the world.  His political speeches and character not only resemble the stupidity and arrogance of Ronald Reagan, but also Adolf Hitler.  American Fascism is what we currently live under with very few exceptions.  Hitler’s rise to power was greatly funded by American financiers such as Prescott Bush , father of G.H.W. Bush and grandfather of G.W Bush Jr. and Jeb Bush. Henry Ford built trucks and tanks for Hitler’s army and agreed with fascism. These Americans billionaire fascists tried and failed to have a fascist coup in America, that failed with the election of Franklin Roosevelt.


Republicans are no longer the party of Jefferson or Lincoln, they are the GOP, the party of Big Business which, is exactly what both Jefferson and Lincoln fought against and warned Americans about. Fascists are corporatists and corporatists are millionaires and billionaires and CEOs and owners of large corporations.  They stole all the money in the U.S Treasury by the  2008 and 2009 bailouts and the Federal Reserve gave over 19 trillion dollars from the American people, to failing banks and corporations and to failed foreign banks . This great theft caused the greatest depression since the 1930s. No one since has been indicted or served any sentences even though Congress identified all the crooked brokers on Wall Street , yet still allowed them to keep the money.  What payoffs were given to the Congressmen and women who allowed this to happen?


Donald Trump nor any Republican candidate is calling for the return of this money to the American people. Instead they are calling for more giveaways to big business and Republican political donors, and raising the debt ceiling to fund more billionaires. Democrats are just as pathetic. We do not hear Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton calling for the return of this money, nor do we hear them calling for investigation or audit of the Federal Reserve, or the reinstatement of the Glass Steagall Act , that prohibited the speculation by banks and Wall Street Brokers to gamble and speculate with investor funds, without government oversight.


Trump is a 1% er and will always be. He wouldn’t understand the struggles of  working class or middle class Americans if they jumped up and kicked him in the ass. He  has not advocated unions or fair wages or minimum wage. He has gained his fortune at the expense of his workers, banks loans, and political payoffs in all countries his businesses are in.  His tax reform is another big tax payoff for the 1% who have trillions of dollars in foreign countries and will not place it in U.S banks because of the current tax laws. Companies like Apple have billions invested in foreign banks an hundreds of thousands of workers in foreign countries that abuse their workers, with low wages and no worker protections or unions, and have no environmental regulations.  These greed driven corporate CEOs are destroying entire countries by unregulated pollution and the exploitation of workers by brutal working conditions in third world countries.


Donald Trump’s high gloss polish is wearing off and he is being  exposed for who he really is. The world may even find out he wears a wig, like Ronald Reagan died his hair. I have enjoyed the last few months of Donald Trump’s campaign, as have millions of Americans who may still be laughing at his recent statements about Rubio and Bush playing “Bull Shit Politics”.  Frankly , all politics are bull shit. All politicians are bull shit, but Americans and people around the world continue to fall for the same Bull Shit year after year in every country. Once again Donald Trump has coined a phrase, that will be his forever, and he is so far the “winner”, of the prize for the biggest and best bull shitter in the 2016 presidential race.


L.A. Steel

2016 Presidential Candidate

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