

Aug 07 2015

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Trump’s Triumphant Debate

trump on tower


Trump did what I thought he would do in his first Republican debate. He made every Paid For Republican cringe , especially all off stage who watched him refuse to take the Republican Pledge.  By Trump’s refusal to pledge his support to another candidate other than himself for nominee, he established himself as the only “maverick” in the race.

Americans love mavericks, we admire independent thinkers, who gamble for a living, either as card sharks or as deal makers. The most famous mavericks in American Legend were James Garner and Jack Kelly, who played the Maverick Brothers on a famous television series in the 1960s.  I was a loyal fan of the show.

Why Trump was successful in last night’s debate, was because of his fierce  Independence, or what appeared to be independence. However, Donald Trump is a master showman, and that is why everyone is interested in him.   I recently  watched a two part  interview Donald Trump had with Anderson Cooper on CNN, on 7/8/15. He was direct and politically incorrect, as we have come to expect of “The Donald”. He made many statements regarding his domestic and foreign policies that,resonate with many Americans. Rebuilding America, take back our jobs from overseas, rebuild the decaying infrastructure, take charge of our budget, and be blunt and direct in our dealings with other countries, secure our southern borders.  I believe he has a vision for America that many Americans share. America being a great industrial and economic powerhouse nation again, and having trust in the leadership of our government.

There is the problem with Donald Trump. Would he be a reckless dictator with no respect for the American People or their elected government?  Could Americans be persuaded to vote for Trump in the same majority they voted for Obama? I admitted publicly in my book  and articles and radio shows, that I made a mistake believing Obama could bring real change to this country. In a blind leap of faith for” hope and change”, we voted in our first black president.  I warn all my fellow American Revolutionaries, that Trump is not what we are waiting for as a leader. Neither is Hillary, or Jeb or Bernie or whoever else from the establishment who might rise into national interest.

Trump is reckless. He flies off the handle and leaves the damage for others to worry about. He stated in his interview with A.Cooper that he would “bomb the hell out of the Iraqis oil wells now held by ISIS, and put a military circle around the oil wells. This would stop all their money and destroy them.”  When asked, “What about the Iraqis?” He stated,” There are no Iraqis, there are only factions of Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds all fighting each other,or ISIS ,or  running away. I would send in the top 5 oil companies and they would have the wells up and running in no time.”

Donald Trump says he would be friends with Vladimir Putin and straighten things out in Europe. Also he would stop China from manipulating its currency and set tariffs on all imports to the U.S.  However,( to his benefit) unlike the other Republican Candidates he said, he would not touch  Social Security and Medicare.

Donald Trump is a populist presidential candidate, similar Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan in their fame, and his non traditional GOP, conservative ideology.  What makes Donald Trump a diamond in the rough,  on the Republican political landscape of boring, insane and idiotic  presidential candidates, is that he has a realness about him, whether his realness is honest or not.

He’s a great poker player. I suggest to anyone to read the book he wrote ,( with ghostwriters), “The Art of the Deal.”  Trump is a real “wheeler dealer”, and everyone expects him to deal himself a winning hand, but no one knows if he’s really playing for the house, for himself, or for America.

L.A. Steel




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