

Jun 28 2015

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A Rainbow World and Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage




America has given the Muslim countries a new reason to demonize the U.S.  But the gay marriage issue is just another reason Americans differ from other people in other countries.  It has been over 50 years since gay marriage was brought before the court and many states have already legalized gay marriages.  It is a truly democratic thing to do. Allowing people of the same sex, who were born homosexual or transsexual or what ever sexual preference they are, to finally be legally allowed to declare their rights and dignity under the U.S Constitution.


I have noticed the main stream media has been quiet in any opposition to the court’s decision. I imagined all kinds of anti gay marriage protests around the country. I believe the silent majority of Americans may be shaking their heads at this decision,because many of us have  family members or friends who are gay, or have been secretively gay their entire lives. I’m certain the Sodom and Gamora  story is present today in the pulpits of Indiana and other anti gay state churches. The murders of 9 black people in a S.Carolina church managed to overshadow the Supreme Court’s decision , however this Gay Marriage decision along with the taking down of Confederate Flags throughout the country, must be a sea change of cultural identities amounting to a stunned and angry population, who still hasn’t gained consciousness from the two hard blows to their mindset and culture. These cultural sea changes are the obvious and revolutionary alarm to all humanity that the Aquarian Age has arrived.


On November 21, 2012 Humanity entered the Aquarian Age. Ancient prophecies speak of this time as “The Time of Awakening” The Greek word for this time is, The Apocalypse, or the unveiling. Many alien races are with us or watching us to witness this remarkable transition in Human Consciousness, to the Trans-Dimensional Migration, into the fourth and fifth dimensions. There Humanity is to see and live in a world,where all are free of economic and cultural ties to money, racism, nationalism, religions, tyranny, bigotry, hatred and anger, destruction, brutality or war. After this great sea change of consciousness is complete we will return to Oneness with our Creator.


L.A. Steel .

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