Nov 28 2018
Tags: ART BY L.A.STEEL, ascension, EVAPORATING, transdimensional art
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Dec 28 2013
Tags: 7th dimension, ascension, enlightenment, seventh dimension, The 7th Dimension, transdimensionalism, vision
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Dec 17 2013
Tags: 6th Dimension, ascension, entry to The Labrynth, Transdimensional gateway to the 6th Dimension
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Dec 17 2013
Channeled Text # 3 Enter into the divine light of creation. You see nothing to offend you. All who dwell on this dimension are spirits of light darkness does not exist here. All in this dimension exist in light.There is only joy, bliss and love. From here all wonders begin. All the wisdom and knowledge …
Tags: ascension, channeled text, Community of Light, enlightenment, Fifth Dimension
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Dec 15 2013
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Oct 28 2013
Art and Photography, Observation, Philosophy / Metaphysics, Poetry
by admin
October 28, 2013
Hard and impenetrable, too tall to look over, too long to go around, too narrow to walk on. Barren and cold, worn and old, standing against winds enduring the seasons. A stone wall creates a boundary, to separate people and plots of land, and is a means of defense. A stone wall is an illusion …
Tags: a poem by L.A.Steel, ascension, boundaries, defense, illusion, man made boundaries, neighbors, Poem, poetry, Stone Wall
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Feb 06 2013
2/6/13 I live in the here and now. I create every moment I live. I am here and now, not there and then, or where and when. I am here and now, until I completely ascend. L.A. Steel Share
Tags: ascension, here and now, live in the present, Poem, present
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Dec 24 2012
12/24/12 It is a beautiful place to be when all the Christmas lights are turned on and the house breathes with warmth and spices. There are thousands of people like me walking around and flying around and talking with everyone about how incredible it is to be here and amazed that they made it . …
Tags: angels, ascension, fourth dimensional Christmas, Happy New Year, joy, Merry Christmas, peace, Poem, transendence
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Dec 22 2012
12/22/12 Hey everybody it’s twelve/ twentytwo/ two thousand twelve, the day after twelve, twenty one, two thousand twelve. You know what that means? It means I am writing this dead and you are reading this dead, or I am alive and you are alive. Where has my mind gone, it was supposed to stay here …
Tags: 12/22/12, ascension, celebration., fourth dimension, have a party, having a party, parallel universe, transcendence
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Dec 20 2012
12/20/12 Many people in the world are wondering today if something is going to happen tomorrow on the twenty first of December 2012. What was predicted to happen at this time in our history already is happening. The rise of unity consciousness after the Newtown Massacre, and the Christmas messages sent around the world signify …
Tags: 12/21/12, Age of Aquarius, ascension, beginning of a new age, creation calendar, mayan prophecy, New Era, new world, We are already there
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Nov 28 2012
11/28/12 If you are living in America today you are now wondering what it would be like to win the $500 million dollar PowerBall Jackpot. Anyone with a powerful imagination is right now thinking what they would do if they won tonight’s jackpot. Personally I think I would go unconscious for a while. Then I …
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Oct 14 2012
ENTERING THE NEW ERA OF MAN 10/14/12 As the World and Universe enter The New Era of Man, I have become pensive in my faith, that the end time is approaching. My great friend George Dickson up until his death in June of this year, believed that we were already in a new era and …
Tags: ascension, Blue Planet, comets, dinosaurs, earthquakes, electromagnetic storms 2013, end time, Entering a new era, flood, fourth dimension, george dickson, Hopi Final Prophecy, involuntary change, loss of faith, manifestation of desires in fourth dimension., Mayan celebration 12/22/12, neanderthal extinction, Red Planet, regaining faith, Revelation, third dimensional transition, voluntary change
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Oct 27 2008
IMPRISONED 10/27/08 Within the boundaries of the physical world the three dimensional limits bind the human spirit. The spirit breathes with rhythmic motion and listens to earth bound sounds. It is a prisoner of memory, fear and forgetfulness. The stars move subtly to dazzle the observer of the night sky. Bathed in mist …
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Jun 02 2007
THE ABSENSE OF EVERYTHING 6/2/07 I have been researching the Mayan Calendar recently and have had many discussions relating to it with researcher of esoteric knowledge, George Dickson, on our Friday night internet shows. One of the most facinating ideas I have been trying to understand is what will happen to mankind in 2012. Actually …
Tags: 2011, 2012, ascension, end of time, fourth dimension, last day of time 10/28/11, Mayan Calendar, out of body experience, prophecy, third dimension
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