Monthly Archive: August 2018
Few politicians in modern times have been so blatantly bloviated in the media as John McCain. His lifetime of politics has been marred with some of the most belligerent and ignorant statements ever made in a public arena. His “war record” proved he was not the wonder warrior he was portrayed to be. He was …
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Omarosa, former Trump White House adviser now besmirched on Twitter by Trump as a “Dog,” based on her tell-all book Trump considers a betrayal. Trump is now suing Omarosa for “breach of non-disclosure agreement” she signed during the 2016 campaign but refused to sign again upon her being “fired” from the Trump administration. I would think …
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DONALD TRUMP’S PRESIDENTIAL PORTRAIT Omarosa Manigault Newman’s book “Unhinged”, memoirs of the Trump White House, maybe the book that topples Trump’s Administration. Trump’s insane Twitter outbursts and insults against Omarosa are his worst yet said against anyone. Trump’s feelings of betrayal by Omarosa must feel like the long knife of all his racial hatred piercing …
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The stakes are high and the national drama even higher. Each step Mueller takes towards an indictment of Donald Trump, more of Trump’s family gets involved. Now the Donald Jr. email lie, and his father admitting he lied about the Russian Meeting, to minimize his son’s involvement at the same time stating, he “knew nothing …
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