Monthly Archive: August 2008
THE FIRST BI ANNUAL L.A. STEEL DOG DAY CELEBRATION POLITICAL FUNDRAISER 8/29/08 You are welcomed to join my dog owning friends and I, at the First Bi Annual L.A. Steel Dog Day Celebration. I wanted another opportunity to have a party without inviting relatives. I’ve been envisioning a Dog Day party for many years. I …
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THE ABOMINATION OF BARACK’S TEMPLE 8/28/08 Any true Liberal with an ounce of self respect has got to be disgusted at the audacity of the Obama campaign and the stupidity of the Democratic Party for erecting this temple of idiotic arrogance. A temple for the Democratic dribble that is to pour forth from the …
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THE DEMOCRATS’ TOP TEN MISTAKES THAT COULD LEAD TO A REPUBLICAN VICTORY Mistake # 1 : Nominating Barack Obama Mistake # 2: Obama picking Joe Biden as VP choice. Mistake # 3: Obama taking foreign policy advice from Z. Brezinski. Mistake # 4 : Not impeaching G.W. Bush. Mistake # 5. Selecting Nancy Pelosi as Speaker …
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DENVER’S GITMO AND DEMOCRATIC HYPOCRISY 8/25/08 The Democratic herd of hysterical delegates is being herded into Denver this week for the great political slaughter of 2008. I watched a recent YouTube video of Denver’s Gitmo . It was a report from inside the make shift jail in an old warehouse with wired cells topped …
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IS OBAMA ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC WOOSIE ? 8/22/08 The Obama campaign is made up of a group of serious woosies. The McCain campaign realizes this and is taking full advantage of the Democratic Candidate Woose Syndrome. It has become another overwhelming embarrassment to the Democrats, however 90 % of Democrats are complete woosies, so few …
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A TRIBUTE TO ALL WHO ATTENDED LEILA’S SECOND ANNUAL GARDEN PATIO BIRTHDAY PARTY 8/17/08 On August 16th, 2008, Leila my eternal cohost had her Second Annual Garden Patio Birthday Party. (I proudly built the patio block by block in honor of her First Annual Garden Patio Birthday Party last year.) I am honored …
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CHINA’S CHILDREN GYMNASTS 8/13/08 As I watched the (women’s) Olympic gymnastic events, I and millions of other viewers were subjected to a performance by Chinese children. The legal age for competition is sixteen. There were several Chinese gymnasts that barely looked like they were ten years old. Granted they won the gold medal and …
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BRONZE IS WORTH MORE THAN GOLD 8/12/08 I am amazed at the Olympic American men’s gymnastics team. The spirit of these young men exemplified the die hard, American spirit and the extraordinary ethnic diversity that made up this remarkable team. The son of a Russian gold medalist, a Chinese American, an athlete of India …
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CHINA, THE OLYMPICS AND UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS 8/11/08 As I watched the grand opening of the China Olympics, I was amazed at the display, but most amazed at the remarkable number of Chinese people that participated in the opening celebration. Just the two thousand drummers were enough to gasp at the size and scope of …
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JOHN MCCAIN , “THE WRINKLY OLD WHITE HAIRED DUDE.” 8/7/08 I can’t vouch for my readers on this issue, because I have recently developed an entirely knew appreciation for Paris Hilton. Her unique brand of Babe hood has inspired me to be one of the first talk show hosts and radical , to nominate her …
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BUSH UP AGAINST THE WALL 8/5/08 I’m very pleased to read so many articles indicting G.W. Bush and seeing so many hearings and investigations taking place to finally try to bring this criminal to justice. I’ve cried out for 8 long years about G.W. Bush being a criminal, and yet only in the last …
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