Monthly Archive: April 2014

Apr 30 2014

Connecticut Bike Week Series, 2002



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Apr 30 2014

Book of Women, 1999

Book of Women


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Apr 30 2014

TOY SERIES 2002, 1-4


Statue of Liberty Mickey, Popeye on a Bike, Roy Rogers and Lone Ranger, Mickey Mouse Avenue. They are all very rare toys and collectors items. I filmed these with permission of the Toy Museum in Cheshire,Ct. in 2002. The L.A.Steel Television Show featured the museum by touring it with the museum’s Director. This collection may …

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Apr 30 2014

The Incantation

The Incantation, 2002


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Apr 27 2014

The Lost Spirit of Hope

How long must we despair in the poverty of our nation’s soul, before we call upon the spirit of hope? On the back streets of the United States poverty is disguised and ignored by local,state and federal government. The poor, sick and homeless are voiceless. Their screams are masked by sirens as they are taken …

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Apr 27 2014

The Redundant Saints

4/27/14 “Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent.” George Orwell Why can’t Catholics see the redundancy of two popes becoming canonized on the same day and in the same ceremony? I thought popes were supposed to represent Christ on earth, isn’t that enough of a self applied honor for these hypocrites? …

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Apr 26 2014

“Most Persons Do Not See The Sun”

The sudden dryness of the air startles the arid thoughts of loss, sadness and remorse. The regret of actions taken or not rushes over the desert mind as a flash flood of tears. The madness of loneliness becomes the death knell in the final scream. “Most persons do not see the Sun.” They only see …

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Apr 23 2014

The Need To Be Blunt

In today’s world no one listens to subtleties anymore. A writer or activist or journalist or artist can not be subjective,cute or witty. Satire sometimes works and so does sarcasm, but some people aren’t smart enough to understand either. If they are smart enough to see the sarcasm they still ignore the meaning and sentiment …

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Apr 18 2014

The U.S Government Sucks / Graffiti Series 1-4

republicans and democrats suck graffit series


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Apr 18 2014

L.A.Steel Show 4/15/14 “The Secret Parchments”

New News Podcasts with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Tonight our special guest is author and publisher Peter Moon. We will discuss his latest book ” The Secret Parchment, Five Tibetan Intiation Techniques” published by This is the fourth book in the Romainian Sphinx Series written by Radu Cinamar . This is the …

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Apr 16 2014

Sacred Lotus


One afternoon as my spirit landed, I watched rays of sun dancing upon the petals of a pink lotus. My soul merged with the soul of the flower, and I heard its song. Its sacred spirit danced with me and sang its song enchantingly, inspiring this poem. L.A.Steel Share

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Apr 15 2014

Winter Is Finally Over

Spring has sprung

The cold days of gray sky and snow covered ground are finally gone. Smiles of petals and leaves, are widely grinning. It was warm but breezy yesterday, until the rain clouds crept in late last night and this morning, careful not to drown the newly budding greens. This evening might bring frost, to the North …

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Apr 15 2014

“1892 U.S Veterans committed suicide since 1/1/14.”

“On average, 22 U.S Veterans commit suicide each day, according to the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA). 1892 Veterans have committed suicide since 1/1/14.” Source: The following video may explain why so many veterans commit suicide. WARNING: THIS VIDEO MAY BE TOO GRAPHIC FOR SOME VIEWERS, ALTHOUGH IT HAS BEEN VIEWED BY …

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Apr 13 2014

Farm House 1860-1900 B/W and Blue Enhanced

blue enhanced farm

Original B/W contrast enhanced.Farm 1860-1900 Title unknown, photographer unknown, Blue Enhanced Share

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Apr 13 2014

WWII Battle Scene Press Photograph 1940-1945, B/W Photograph Collection

WWII Press Photo, 1940-1945

WWII Battle Scene Press Photograph 1940-1945. Photographer unknown. Share

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Apr 13 2014

1938 Depression Photograph by Walker Evans , B/W Photograph Collection

Depression Photograph Walker Evanss

Photographer Walker Evans, 1938, Share

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Apr 13 2014

The Aftermath of Hiroshima Press Photograph 1945, B/W Photograph Collection

The Aftermath of Hiroshima Press photo

Photographer unknown, Title, Aftermath of Hiroshima 1945, press photograph, Share

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Apr 13 2014

The Hat, 1847 B/W Photograph Collection

The Hat , 1847

Photographer H.Bayard, title The Hat, c.1847. Share

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Apr 13 2014

Barry’s Square, The Crag, Whitby 1853-1941, B/W Photograph Collection

Barry's Square B/W original

Photographer Frank Meadow Sutcliffe 1853-1941, title of photograph Barry’s Square, The Crag,Whitby. Color enhanced by L.A.Steel Share

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Apr 13 2014

Breaker Boys, 1911 B/W Photograph Collection

Photographer Lewis W.Hines, Breaker Boys 1911. Share

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Apr 13 2014

Factory Girl, 1911 B/W Photograph Collection

Factory Girl

Photographer Lewis W.Hines 1911 Share

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Apr 13 2014

Arizona Canyon, 1872

Arizona Canyon

Original B/W, Photographer Tim O’Sullivan, 1872 Enhanced by L.A.Steel Share

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Apr 13 2014

1921 Fashion B/W Photograph Collection


Enhanced Share

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Apr 13 2014

Two Nudes, B/W Photograph Collection

Untitled, 1870


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Apr 13 2014

Nude B/W Photograph Collection


Photographer unknown. Share

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Apr 13 2014

Mexican Prostitutes, 1956

Mexican prostitutes

Enhanced Red, B/w circa. 1956 Share

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Apr 10 2014


UFO, 2014


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Apr 10 2014

Out of the Wastelands


In the Wastelands the bright sun blinds the mad beast raging in the windswept desert of the mind. Left to its own demise the beast carries a torch of passion that tortures him with fire filled days of magnetic vice, that steals all traces of his soul. Near the borderland of madness the beast drags …

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Apr 06 2014

Sun Speak

Sun Speak

The morning sun spoke to me today as I made a cup of tea near the kitchen window. It said “hello’ as a bright yellow halo above my backyard. Then the sun shown across the wood floor and the pine planks turned golden, and my dog laying on his pillow glowed in sunlight as his …

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Apr 04 2014

Indian Chief, c. 1860-1880, B/W Photograph Collection


Original photographer, title,location and year photograph was taken are unknown. Enhanced B/W photograph by L.A.Steel. Estimated year photograph was taken is 1860-1880. Share

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Apr 04 2014

Aqua and Yellow Buildings

yellow building


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Apr 03 2014

Chemtrails Over Salisbury, Photo Series 1-7 , 2009

Chemtrails over Salisbury #7, 2009

“Art mirrors life, chemtrails mirror death.” L.A.Steel These photographs were taken in late September, 2009 one hour after the skies over Salisbury,Connecticut were saturated with chemtrails by military planes. Within an hour’s time a beautiful blue fall sky was turned into a turbulent screen of gray and white clouds. Chemtrails are a bio weapon in …

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Apr 03 2014

The Occupation of Gaza

The Occupation of Gaza


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Apr 02 2014

L.A.Steel Radio Talk Show 4/1/14 Special Guest Reporter Greg Palast

Listen To News Internet Radio Stations with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Tonight’s special guest is world renowned investigative reporter Greg Palast. We discuss with Greg his latest documentary”Vultures and Vote Rustlers” and other investigations he has conducted. For more info on his investigations go to Share

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