Monthly Archive: February 2018
I created this video in May of 2011. I was inspired to capture on film the Spring beauty around me. This video was created from individual photographs of May Flowers that grew in my flower gardens that Spring, and the pink crab apple tree in my front yard, that always blossomed on my birthday …
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Nothing more needs to be said about the NRA. Share
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Donald Trump made his now infamous adlibed speech at CPAC yesterday. It was impossible for me not to laugh as Trump read the lyrics of a famous R&B 1968 song “The Snake”. Trump refers to the song as metaphor to illegal immigration. The irony of his use of this song in his CPAC speech and …
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The Great Republican visionaries have done it again. They have denied the pleas of the Florida School shooting survivors who descended upon their state capital in Tallahassee demanding gun control and banning assault weapons, and demanding universal back ground checks on potential gun owners before they are allowed to purchase a gun. The …
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“YIPPEE KIYEAH MOTHER FUCKER !” TRUMP SENDS A MEMO TO JEFF SESSIONS TO “LOOK INTO” A BAN ON BUMPS STOCKS. His mockery of the Florida shooting was as pathetic as he is. He feels nothing for the slain children, he only feels for the millions of dollars and congressional payoffs by the NRA, National Rifle …
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Racism in America has become rampant, since Donald Trump was elected. His duplicitous victory was realized, because Hillary and the Democrats were exposed for the crooks and cronies they really are, and have not changed enough to convince the American people to trust them again. A third party must be established either by lawful or …
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What is Trump’s Director of Communications Hope Hicks really communicating to the world? She was romantically involved with both Lewandowski and Porter two of Donald Trump’s closest advisers, who both resigned under a cloud of abuse scandals and were defended by Hicks. Aside from being very attractive, and obviously conveniently available as paramour to some …
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Urban Dictionary: Putz “What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!” 2. putz (n) a stupid, ignorant person; someone who doesn’t pay attention to anything going on; one who makes stupid remarks 3. Putz A “putz” is yiddish (derogatory) for prick.”… —————————————————————————————————————– Their have been very few more inept,political morons ever to occupy the Vice Presidency than Mike …
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There appears to be another Trump campaign imbecile in trouble. The one thing by now that Americans can be certain of is that everyone of Trump’s campaign staff was and is incompetent, and everyone on his staff and cabinet are somehow involved with Russia and were during the Trump campaign. Carter Page was considered an …
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This program was filmed on 7/5/2003 at the Holley House Museum. Richard Grossman published his book “A Year with Emerson” which is an almanac of 365 days with famous inspirational daily quotes from Emerson’s work. Richard was an Emersonian Scholar who devoted over 40 years of his life to studying Emerson and try to implement …
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This essay was created by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a great American Philosopher and writer. It is one of my favorites. I created this television program to pay tribute to the great man, and read one of his most remarkable essays. Emerson’s writings have inspired millions of people around the world, and countless Americans and …
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Who Trump calls “Traitors” are every American who doesn’t like him. I guess according to Trump my many criticisms of him would make me a “Traitor”. I am a Patriot . I am grateful that I am called treasonous by the traitor and criminal living in the White House , elected with Russian millions and …
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The secret of the Republican Memo released on Friday, 2/2/2018 is that nothing released by the Republicans is a secret. The FISA warrants were gained because of the apparent national threat of the Trump Campaign, to have crossed the legal lines and all lines of moral conduct , evidenced by Trump’s”Pee Dossier,” possibly the most …
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Life is full of irony. One day after Trump’s proverbial train wreck of his first State of the Union Address is followed up by a real train wreck carrying Republican lawmakers and their families to a Virginia resort retreat, to plot out their strategies for 2018, and the upcoming elections, all paid for by the …
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