Monthly Archive: December 2018
The following statements are from several interviews by recently furloughed Federal Employees who were willing to use their first names only. I have no personal connection to them however I do feel for them and can understand their nightmares of working under Donald Trump. Some of their statements are graphic. If you are offended, TOO BAD. …
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It was the night after Christmas and all through the White House, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. All were gone to Iraq for a surprise visit to the troops there, to see how stupid the President could be. He defied presidential security and flew unannounced until he arrived in Iraq without …
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See the entire series at Artandphotographyof.lasteel Share
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America is in the hands of a madman. The Madman of Mar-a-Lago has become the most hated, crazy bastard to ever hold the office of the U.S presidency and country in blackmail. This proves that the office of the Presidency is far too powerful for one person to hold, It has become a dictatorship of …
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It appeared obvious to almost everyone after the Helsinki Summit with Putin that Putin was in charge of U.S policy and Trump was his stooge. Trump stated he saw no reason to listen to the CIA findings on Russian interference in the 2016 elections because Putin emphatically denied Russia had any involvement, even after Mueller indicted …
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It has been stated and charged by the Attorney General of New York that the Trump Charity is a fraud and has been ordered to close down. If their charity is closed for fraud and all of Trump’s businesses are being investigated for fraud, what does that say about Trump and his family? It says …
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The Internet’s favorite “idiot” is Donald Trump. I ask all my readers to Google the word ‘Idiot’ and see who and what comes up in the search engine. I guarantee it is Donald Trump. I Googled it minutes before I began this article and there was our President Donald J.Trump. Maybe Time Magazine will put Trump on …
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See all five pictures in this unique series at my art and photography website linked on the header menu and side links of this site. Also, there are many other floral and digital art series. There are currently 1000 photographs and digital art prints on display in individual galleries and on a universal scroll. L.A.Steel Share
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The stench of the Bush Family smelled around the world for decades was Febrezed this week by the elaborate display of institutional hypocrisy overlaid by the pathetic news media Bush Family accolades and all day coverage of praise for G.H.W Bush by CSPAN. As a mature American adult who lived and worked during the G.H.W presidency …
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I first posted this essay in February 2012, it is still in my February 2012 archive, The Problem with Republicans During the Reagan years, Americans became optimistic that we could overcome our recessionary problems by listening to the speeches of Ronald Reagan and became deluded into believing again in the American Dream of everyone has …
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