Monthly Archive: July 2008
TEQUILA AND THE TOAD Once upon a time there lived an old toad in a weed filled garden. He was content with his life as a toad. He spawned several ponds full of tadpoles and had his share of lady toads. One day as the old toad went for a stroll through a garden , …
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THE GATHERING 7/30/08 Time and men have abridged our names and stripped away our layers of individuality, reducing the message into a symbol of spiritual understanding. We are independent of karma and chants of priests. We are one in thought and conscious ascension. We know who we are. We know why we are here. …
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SKIPPING BREAKFAST 7/29/08 Ever skip breakfast? I often do. I got up early in the morning last week , 4am to get to the radio station at 5:00 to work the board for a three hour remote. I found that my mind doesn’t work as well at 4 am as it does at 6am. I …
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THE HANGED MAN 7/20/08 So often I feel like the Hanged Man of the Tarot , who hangs up side down with one foot tied to the vine of hope , and the other foot free from restraint. It is not a painful position to be in most of the time, unless too much …
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BENEFITS OF BEING 7/18/08 There are many benefits that come with being. Far , far greater are the prospects for those of us who exist, than for those who do not. Regardless how futile our existence may seem at times, it is much better than the alternative of non existence. We may ask …
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YESTERDAY , TODAY, TOMORROW AND THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY 7/17/08 Yesterday , today , tomorrow , and the day before yesterday didn’t come together today. They come together everyday when someone realizes they didn’t do yesterday what they should have done the day before yesterday , and then doesn’t have enough time to do …
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THE SECRET SCRIPTURE 7/16/08 I interviewed author Dr. Kaseem Khaleel on his most recent book The Secret Scripture, last night on my fm. radio show. This book is one of the most remarkable revelations I have ever read. It is a modern english translation of a sacred text, that has been hidden from the public for …
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REMEMBERING TONY SNOW 7/15/08 Tony Snow former Whitehouse Press Secretary died recently from cancer. It was a tragic way to go. Regardless of who he was or what his reasons for working for the Bush Regime were, is now irrelevant. Death is the great equalizer and no one has ever conquered it for long. …
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OBAMA AND MCCAIN TIED IN POLLS 7/14/08 I heard today that Obama and McCain are tied in recent national polls. It doesn’t really surprise me. The American people are waking up to the fact that there is very little difference between them. Many Americans are beginning to lose their trust in Obama, the honey moon …
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STANDING ALONE 7/13/08 I have been talking about politically incorrect issues for many years on television, radio and the internet. I have interviewed hundreds of newsmakers, authors and activists on many controversial issues. I have said things on radio and written them on this web site that have attacked the status quo and the finer …
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WHY OBAMA VOTED FOR THE FISA BILL 7/11/08 Barack Obama voted for the FISA Bill yesterday. It is interesting to note that all of his liberal senate endorsers Dodd, Kerry, Harkin, and Hillary voted against the Bill. Of all these senators only Barack Obama was a civil rights attorney. What does this really say about …
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THE CHRISTY BRINKLEY THING 7/8/08 Christy Brinkley is an attractive 54 year old woman with a remarkable career as a super model, she has healthy and attractive children and seemingly has everything the world has to offer. It must be difficult for Mr. “Brinkley” Cook to live under her celebrity shadow. I couldn’t understand why …
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SCREAMING 7/7/08 I feel like I can’t scream anymore. Maybe that is a good thing, but I dont’ have the emotional energy to scream anymore. I’ve been screaming about everything I can ‘t stand for so long I can ‘t do it anymore. I can yell, or shout, but I can’t scream. I would like …
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HAPPY 4TH OF JULY 7/4/08 Today I’ve placed my little desk top flag in front of me to write this enlightened Americana expression. I feel American today. I feel Star Spangle Bannerish. I feel like singing the National Anthem. I feel like blowing off a few fireworks and writing my name in the sky with …
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WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE 7/2/08 When I awake in the morning I have the oddest sense of deja vue. I feel like I’m replaying the same day over and over again. I may have had different dreams the night before, or I may have had a few different experiences , but they more …
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TAIL DRAGGING 7/2/08 The bleached bones of yesterday clutter up this day’s mental landscape. Unless they are cleaned up they will still be there tomorrow. I am always amazed at people who have bulldozer focus. I have a bulldozer mentality, and just as most heavy equipment often needs down time for maintenance so do I. …
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