Monthly Archive: February 2014
HENRY I remember him sitting humbly in the used car lot, with an heir of integrity, though he was 20 years old at the time. I noted that characteristic to the car dealer and he laughed and said, “You’re right it does have integrity and 250,000 miles on it. I’ll guarantee the drive train for …
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New News Internet Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Tonight our special guest is Larry Dorman Public Affairs Coordinator for AFSCME UNION Council 4. We discuss the Pensions For All Bill, Minimum wage, union wins and losses, and the Pew Charitable Trust Fund, major sponsors of National Public Television and Public Radio, involvement …
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More News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Alternative news, environmental issues, health. Special report on Fluoridation of U.S drinking water, banned in 97 countries, why not the U.S. Our guest tonight is author Noelle Meade Izzi who’s book is “The Hummingbird: that answered my heart’s calling.” We discuss …
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This video by the BBC is the most recent post on YouTube, posted 2 hours ago of the Ukrainian Protest in Kiev and Independence Square. There are many unanswered questions as to who really wins in the Ukraine Protest. Today their parliament voted out the president. Every political faction in the Ukraine,Russia, EU and U.S …
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Hugo Chavez was a Facebook friend of mine. I respected him and hoped for his success as a great leader of his country. I ask all Venezuelans to honor his legacy and try to reestablish the national coalition and policies he established under his chosen successor. Hugo understood his people and the enemies of his …
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I have been an activist for the last 15 years. I decided 15 years ago, that the most effective method to protest and awaken others to a cause and for people to hear me and my writings was through broadcasting both on radio and television. However in 1999 when I first began broadcasting on television …
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I wrote and first published this poem in “The Voice” Newspaper in 2002. White Fields There are no sanctions in life, each thought or action is balanced. Each day brings night each wrong brings right, to the right of darkness is light. Rolling and level fields of white stretch before the wanderers of life. Every …
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This reminds me of Occupy Wall Street in the U.S. New York City Cops where paid by the Banksters and Corporations to beat the crap out of and arrest hundreds of peaceful protesters. In September,2005, 300,000 American protesters got sprayed by a bio weapon in Washington D.C. authorized by G.W.Bush. This was the largest anti …
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Listen To News Internet Radio Stations with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio We begin tonight’s program with a report on Obama’s latest executive order that destroys the First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech. Our special guest tonight is Dane Wigington who, is one of the leading voices in the U.S against Geo Engineering …
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They were together on a tree outside our bedroom window, this morning during the blizzard. We wondered why they were there and if the robins were lost in the February storm. We marveled as we watched them because we both thought robins migrated in winter. I looked it up on my computer. As soon as …
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Check Out News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Tonight’s program we report on famous civil rights lawyer Lynne Stewart recent release from prison. California Gov. Brown orders massive restriction of water to farmers due to drought, and Calif. residents must cut 20% of water use. A health report …
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For all who believe that the recent catastrophic weather and climate changes over the last decade are acts of God and not deliberate acts of malevolent governments, this video is evidence of global weather manipulation by man made, scientific, genocidal, actions directed against the global population. L.A.Steel Share
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Lately time seems to be moving faster than light. It may be an aging thing,but a day can go by so quickly I barely notice time, until night falls and the sun rises. I am not certain why I have no concept of real time anymore. It was 7:00 AM when I began writing this …
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Popular News Internet Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio Union issues and the latest interview with Edward Snowden in the German media. Also a unique report by Russian TV explaining the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty and how it will devastate U.S sovereignty and destroy the U.S economy and it is currently being Fast …
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New News Internet Radio with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction is a remarkable book by a remarkable author. Daniel Estulin also wrote the international best seller “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.” In TransEvolution he clearly defines the World Corporation that now controls all world governments …
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I admit I have committed a totally anti-American act of anti consumerism by boycotting the Super Bowl this year. So sue me. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t sit through hours of idiotic ads or idiotic pregame shows like the “Muppet Pregame Show.” The Super Bowl hype and hysterics are proof that 100 million Americans …
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