Tag Archive: NewEngland Winter

Feb 13 2014

Two Robins In A Blizzard (A Poem)

They were together on a tree outside our bedroom window, this morning during the blizzard. We wondered why they were there and if the robins were lost in the February storm. We marveled as we watched them because we both thought robins migrated in winter. I looked it up on my computer. As soon as …

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Feb 14 2005

Can you feel the wind of change?

2/14/05 A cold arctic wind has been teasing the northern and New England states this winter. First it came blasting in from Canada for more than a week in December and subsided for a short while in January then came back again with a vengeance to keep Winter’s prisoners on guard and vigilant. Perhaps it’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=180
