Monthly Archive: November 2015
ANACONDA CRAZY is a disease, not quite understood by the psychiatric community, but the guy that jumped over the White House Fence yesterday was a typical example of an ANACONDA CRAZY MAN. ANACONDA CRAZY can also affect women. I lived with an ANACONDA CRAZY woman,and survived to tell this tale, with three uniformed policemen …
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A VIOLENT NATION 3/22/11 The United States is without a doubt the most violent nation on earth. History proves this, yet Americans insist on denying their violent history or justifying it, by racism,government sponsored genocide and imperialistic national policy. The doctrine of Manifest Destiny was the most arrogant, imperialistic and oppressive doctrine …
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I’ve been throwing out things all day, now I’m nearly done. I threw out everything I never want to see again. I was hanging on to clothes and books and outdated ties,(I haven’t worn a tie since 1994) ties are phallic symbols, I had a lot of ties. I’m glad those tie days are …
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It has become obvious that, Connecticut has a bobble head as its Governor. Bobble heads are the kind of people that shake their heads in approval of everything and have a permanent political smile on their faces. Connecticut’s Democratic Governor Dan Malloy has proven himself to be Barack Obama’s favorite bobble headed Governor, ever since the …
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我覺得像中國今天在談到 起重機 一首詩, 白居易(公元830) 西部風已經吹到但幾天; 然而,第一片葉子已經飛從樹枝。 在我走在我單薄的演出乾燥路徑; 在第一個寒冷的我已經穿上了棉衣。 通過淺溝渠洪水被清除了; 通過疏竹淌下的傾斜光。 在早期的黃昏,綠色的青苔小巷下來, 花園男孩是領先的起重機回家 TRANSLATION The Cranes A poem by, PO CHU-I (A.D. 830) The western wind has blown but a few days; yet the first leaf already flies from the bough. On the drying paths I walk in my thin shows; in the …
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The Death Sky Photograph Series was inspired by the horrendous chemtrailing I personally witnessed and documented in the sky over the North West Corner of Connecticut on 11/15/2015. The entire series of 25 photographs are featured on the artandphotographyoflasteel.lasteelshow,org website. My first exposure to Chemtrails was in 2002 when I noticed the skies …
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Je suis vraiment désolé pour le peuple français. Je suis mal à trouver les mots justes pour exprimer ma sympathie aux familles et amis de toutes les victimes qui ont été si brutalement assassinés par les hommes armés ISIS fous. Comme un Américain qui a été témoin 9/11/01 et ses conséquences, et ce qui …
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Great program tonight with an hour long interview with Richard Gage the Founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. Take a new look at what really happened to the WTC on 9/11/01. Millions of people around the world are coming to grips with the facts of the demolition of the World Trade Center …
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I understand what the “Black Lives Matter” movement is saying, but it is such a narrow statement against a global issue, that encompasses all the world’s races. I am a white male who voted for Obama twice, because he was a better choice for President than McCain or Romney. I am disappointed in Barack Obama’s presidential track …
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As one of my primary platform issues that I would do by Executive Order is end all student loans and forgive all prior student debt. The United States is one of the only first world countries that does not provide free college tuition. The enslavement of every student today for the rest of his …
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I hear the wind howl,and roar, through forests and fields. I turn away from the wind’s fierce resistance. I can not move forward, unless I turn into the wind. I feel the fierce wind blowing against me, and imagine I am a great tree , that refuses to die, break or bend. …
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Reclusive I am somewhere between wonder and reason, laughing at the sunshine and the blue sky of this morning, thankful I can enjoy them. All creators create their creations by hearing them or seeing them, and receiving them, from the divine mind, that navigates the winds of time. L.A. Steel Share
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It is apparent to me, that over the last two decades of producing radio and television as well as writing and creating my art and photography, I have moved my expectations of my goals, and my art, to levels I only imagined I could achieve, to an audience so receptive …
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HEMP, AMERICA’S CURE FOR ECONOMIC RECOVERY 2/17/09 Marijuana was criminalized in 1937 because of the introduction of plastics and the discovery that oil could be replaced by hemp as a renewable fuel. Hemp resin could be molded into an indestructible, yet biodegradable form of plastic.Also it had tremendous versatility to be used in building materials. …
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