Tag Archive: China

Jan 07 2009

Obama’s Trillion Dollar Deficits Signal an American Free For All

OBAMA’S TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS SIGNAL AN AMERICAN FREE FOR ALL 1/7/09 I am not complaining about the trillion dollar deficits proposed by Barack Obama as his budgetary projections for the next four years. It shouldn’t surprise anyone. All of his cabinet picks and especially his economic advisers and Sec. of Treasury are all globalists and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=743


Aug 13 2008

China’s Children Gymnasts

CHINA’S CHILDREN GYMNASTS 8/13/08   As I watched the (women’s) Olympic gymnastic events, I and millions of other viewers were subjected to a performance by Chinese children. The legal age for competition is sixteen. There were several Chinese gymnasts that barely looked like they were ten years old. Granted they won the gold medal and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=919
