Tag Archive: Obama
7/18/13 It has been strange lately ever since the Martin Zimmerman verdict came out this week. I haven’t seen such a flurry of activity on my Facebook page since the 2012 elections. The level of emotion is unequaled in my history with social media. From my Friends I must have recieve over 500 posts a …
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OBAMA’S TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS SIGNAL AN AMERICAN FREE FOR ALL 1/7/09 I am not complaining about the trillion dollar deficits proposed by Barack Obama as his budgetary projections for the next four years. It shouldn’t surprise anyone. All of his cabinet picks and especially his economic advisers and Sec. of Treasury are all globalists and …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=743
VOTING FOR A YOUNG BLACK MAN OR AN OLD WHITE MAN 11/2/08 The presidential race is now down to the wire. Many Americans have already cast their early ballots and have already made the decision to vote for a young black man or an old white man for President. I have spent a great deal …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=792
WHEN THE ROLLING STONE STOPPED 7/28/08 I recently intercepted the current edition of The Rolling Stone magazine in the mail. Of all the covers in the history of the magazine I have never seen the one I do see is the one with The Jonas Brothers on the front cover. I never heard of the …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=945
OBAMA’S AND HILLARY’S $2300 KISS AND MCCAIN BECOMES JOHN “BOND” 6/27/08 $2300.00 and a kiss on the cheek got Barack Obama off cheap. No one is saying anything yet about Hillary as Obama’s VP choice, and it’s likely she won’t be. It’s better they kiss and make up now , than duke it out at …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1105
GET READY FOR AN OBAMANATION 6/4/08 I am having great difficulty accepting Barack Obama as a viable choice for President. However the thought of John McCain in the White House scares the hell out of me. So what is the rational choice to be made here? I honestly don’t know. I made a great mistake …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1150
TWEEDLE DEE, TWEEDLE DUMB AND TWEEDLE DUMBER, HILLARY,OBAMA, MCCAIN 5/07/08 There is truly little hope for America if the best candidates for president are what we have running this year. I have lost all hope for the future of this country. I thought G.W Bush was the worst possible president this country could scrape up, …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1166
THE GLASS IDOL OF HOPE 3/03/08 There once was a glassmaker who lived in a small village. He was known for making very special glass figurines. Some people thought his figurines were magical and could make wishes come true. The glass maker was an old man and had no children. His wife had passed away …
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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1267
HILLARY OR OBAMA ? 2/1/08 It was apparent in last night’s Democratic debate, that one or the other candidates Hillary, or Obama was going to be the next President of the United States. Which one will supposedly depend on the results of next Super Tuesday. It’s a personality contest now. Globalists R Us. No matter …
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THE CAMELOT OBAMALOT ALLIANCE 1/28/08 The rulers of the fabled kingdom of Camelot Princess Caroline , and her uncle King Edward made news this week by announcing their alliance with the fabled kingdom of Obamalot. King Barack Obama was pleased with the alliance; that he believes will greatly aid him in his war to win …
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I WOULD VOTE FOR A GREEN, PURPLE POKA DOTTED , FIVE LEGGED, THREE ARMED, CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT, IF HE, OR SHE , WAS TRUELY QUALIFIED FOR THE OFFICE. 1/14/08 The recent racial issue, that has risen over the “Fairy Tale ” quote made by Bill Clinton, and made an issue by the Obama campaign, has …
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