Category Archive: Short stories

Original nonfiction short stories by L.A.Steel

Mar 07 2019



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Jan 25 2016

The L.A.Steel Full Employment Bill 2016


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Dec 15 2015


Most Helpful Customer Reviews 5 Stars Plus… By H.P. Albarelli Jr. on April 15, 2010 Format: Paperback Verified Purchase A few weeks ago, I received a call from L.A. Steel, a man I knew nothing about. L.A. told me he wanted to interview me on his radio show about my book, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank …

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Sep 04 2015



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Apr 08 2015


orange level paperback novel


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Dec 09 2014

Hell Night

The name of the school this story takes place in will not be mentioned however, the event did happen and the people who participated in it and witnessed it are real. The events and conversations in this story happened over thirty years ago. It was a very different time than the present, when public and …

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Jun 17 2014

Black & White 1999

This picture was taken during my first televised program of The L.A.Steel Show. I presented a one hour reading of my book of poems, “Lust,Love and Innocence”. L.A.Steel Books by L.A.Steel: Naked at the Mic, Lust,Love and Innocence, Five Short Stories, Arandas: play, The Book of Women, Cantos of a Believer, Five Prophesies, Gateways of …

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Nov 01 2013

“Meldizar”, A Ghost Story by L.A.Steel for Halloween (audio)

New Spirituality Podcasts with L A STEEL SHOW on BlogTalkRadio MELDIZAR First published on this website on July 14,2010 as a short story by L.A.Steel I recall the entry way and the stone stairs. I remember the heavy bark trees surrounding the doorway. The cold , damp air seeped out as I opened the heavy …

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Aug 12 2013

The Pit Bull and the Worm (A very short story)

A Pit Bull was walking around his backyard one day, when it noticed a worm slowly moving in the grass. He put his nose against it and smelled it, then looked at it curiously and tasted it. It’s skin was slimy and tasted like dirt. He thought it was a curious animal as it moved …

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Aug 25 2012

Thomas DeQuincey’s Confessions of an English Opium Eater Part VI, the final reading

Listen to internet radio with L A STEEL SHOW on Blog Talk Radio This is my final reading of this remarkable story. Tonight’s reading entails the conclusion of the author’s confession involving the years of 1818 and 1819, as certain months and years that he tried to quit his addition, and how it was nearly …

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Aug 16 2012

Thomas DeQuincey’s”Confessions of an English Opium Eater”, reading Part V

Listen to internet radio with L A STEEL SHOW on Blog Talk Radio Tonight I read the section entitled Introduction to the Pains of Opium and The Pains of Opium. Share

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Aug 10 2012

Thomas De Quincey’s “Confessions of an English Opium Eater”, Part IV Reading (The Pleasures of Opium)

Listen to internet radio with L A STEEL SHOW on Blog Talk Radio We begin this reading with Thomas De Quincey’s description of the pleasures of opium, he describes his first experiences that began at 19,when he developed a chronic toothache which lasted several weeks. A friend told him about Opium and where to get …

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Aug 05 2012

A Reading of Thomas De Quincey’s “Confessions of an English Opium Eater” Part III


Listen to internet radio with L A STEEL SHOW on Blog Talk Radio I begin my reading where DeQuincey describes the sorrow of leaving his friend Ann, a fifteen year old prostitute, and his promise to return to her as he departed London on his quest for financial help from several friends and Jewish Money …

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Jul 27 2012

Reading of Thomas DeQuincey’s “Confessions of an English Opium Eater” Part II

Listen to internet radio with L A STEEL SHOW on Blog Talk Radio In Part II of my reading of DeQuincey’s great story, he writes about his desparation and homelessness as a young man of 17, and the people who helped him and who he stayed with during his travels. There is an especially poignant …

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Jul 26 2012

A Reading of Thomas De Quincey’s “Confessions of an English Opium Eater” Part 1

Listen to internet radio with L A STEEL SHOW on Blog Talk Radio I first read this work when I was eighteen. It made a memorable impression on me then, because De Quincey was 19 when he began his life long addiction to opium, that was the inspiration to his philosophical and literary works. I …

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Mar 14 2012


INDUSTRY A short story by L.A. Steel   In the vast constant of industrial activity man becomes engrossed by the accumulation of wealth. Regardless of how insignificant the amount of money earned, it  is the foremost concern of an individual.  One dollar or one million dollars is the reward for someone’s ingenuity to accumulate or …

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Jul 14 2010



MELDIZAR I recall the entry way and the stone stairs. I remember the heavy bark trees surrounding the doorway. The cold , damp air seeped out as I opened the heavy wooden door. I stepped into the doorway as the dank smell of mildew and rot overwhelmed me. I backed out of the doorway onto …

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Mar 08 2008


THE GIRL ON THE HILL 3/8/08 Once upon a time, there was a very imaginative and inquisitive young girl, who asked so many questions to her parents , they could not answer her anymore. As she grew older she had more and more questions she had to ask. She would ask a question and receive …

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Mar 03 2008


THE GLASS IDOL OF HOPE 3/03/08 There once was a glassmaker who lived in a small village. He was known for making very special glass figurines. Some people thought his figurines were magical and could make wishes come true. The glass maker was an old man and had no children. His wife had passed away …

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Sep 17 2007


ANXIETY 9/17/07 I recently got spam mailed a self help, feel good , kiss your kids before they go to bed , rid all your fears by becoming a member, for 10 dollars a month, scam. I found out that I have lived my entire life not realizing I suffer from depression and anxiety, according …

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