

Sep 28 2008

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I recently intercepted the current edition of The Rolling Stone magazine in the mail. Of all the covers in the history of the magazine I have never seen the one I do see is the one with The Jonas Brothers on the front cover. I never heard of the Jonas Brothers until G.W. Bush invited them to the Whitehouse for some event (It might of been to meet the Pope) Suddenly I see these 14 year old wanna be punks dressed in heavy metal leather and wearing chastity rings. They claim they only wear them on their finger, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they had them pierce to their testicles. The Rolling Stone captured their most completely fucked up group yet. I thought the Rolling Stone’s first cover was bad, but this one murdered any respect I had at all for the Rolling Stone magazine.

For those who are not in the know , pop musically , the Jonas Brothers are a product of a minister father (and manager) but also a Disney Discovery. Another Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera on testosterone. Another Kiddies Black Sabbath for the morally inept. The front cover picture is the Jonas Brothers crowding out the name of the magazine, as they stand stupidly trying to look tough and innocent at the same time. They looked like choir boys must look like after they’ve been molested by a priest. This is a sick moment for the magazine that once portrayed rock legends , now portrays politicians and pimples.

The article states that little girls of 5 to 12 are in absolute euphoric, endorphin, hypnotic love[with the Jonas Brothers. It’s hard to believe that this is what our youngest girls are being taught to think. They fall into euphoric love with pimple faced pubescent , playing highly sophisticated, primitively rhythmic progressions in their music, and are devoted to chastity until marriage, but write intense teenage love songs to little girls.

Personally I believe the Rolling Stone as sunk to an all time low and stopped rolling , when it went under water with this current issue . The only good thing I read in the magazine was that Tom Waits is doing his first American tour since 1999. I wonder what Tom Waits thinks about the Jonas Brothers. He probably never heard of them until someone showed him a copy of this issue with a write up on the Tom Waits tour. If the Rolling Stone had any integrity they would have put Tom Waits on the front cover to announce his American tour.



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