Tag Archive: catholicism

Apr 04 2010

Easter Sunday


EASTER SUNDAY 4/04/10   I remember the white dresses, pink, white and blue corsages, white and black shoes, girls’ white, short and knee length stockings. I remember kneeling at a rail in innocence as I ate the body of a savior. I remember an old man handing me a round dry and tasteless wafer that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=614


Apr 16 2008


THE POPE VISITS WASHINGTON 4/16/08 The stench of the Pope’s pedophile apology and hypocritical hand waving to his sexually abused believers, gives a greater stench to Washington D.C ..Since the Bush family moved into the capital , Washington has allured swarms of the most insidious flies to the G.W Bush cesspool of power. It seems …

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Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=1183


May 11 2005

L.A. Steel’s Excommunication of all Religions


5/11/05 Throughout my maturing years I have heard and wondered about the power of excommunication. Not that it was ever a preoccupation of mine but every so often you hear about it. When I was a child growing up in a Catholic family the word excommunicated got tossed around once and a while, but it …

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