

Aug 14 2012

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Out of Options

It appears to me that I have run out of options in the 2012 elections. Locally,statewide and nationally I have not one decent choice amongst political candidates. I used to muster up enough excitement or (patriotism) to do my democratic duty, but the only option I now have in 2012 is not to vote. I have thought of this many times in past elections and in 2010 I was so disgusted at everyone running for congress and in local elections I didn’t vote. Guess what? I felt better and my vote didn’t matter one way or the other, but it mattered to me that I could silently protest the election. I didn’t need a megaphone or a protest sign, I just didn’t bother to vote.

It felt good to sit that election out and get on with my life. 2010 was a good year for me, things seemed to be going my way, but nothing political was changing or had anything to do with my happiness. In fact it was just the opposite. I realized that after writing and publishing my book Naked at the Mic / The Survival of a Liberal in a Time of Peril, that everything that upset me centered around politics. I was focused on politics and news as a radio talk show host and writer of essays on this website. Conspiracies were abound in the nation and around the world. No one could stop the criminals because everyone in power was a criminal. I realized late in 2010 that if I wanted to get through the year sane, I had to stop thinking about politics and get on with life. But once the elections were over and my political interests were drying up, my radio station was sold and my show was cancelled. As I recovered from the blow in early 2011 I began to wonder if the negative things all happened because of all the political negativity I put out in my book and broadcasts. I began to focus on repairing my karma by avoiding the added stress and negativity of politics and focused more on my philosophical and metaphysical research.

I still get pissed at Republicans and Democrats and elections and politics as usual, criminals not proscecuted and victims denied justice, wars, genocide, eugenics etc. But I realize now I only have one option and always did. That option was and is to be centered enough to understand that there never was or is any political options. The system is so rigged that only a fool would get involved with it. Only a fool could honestly believe he had a chance at changing a system so corrupt and embedded in the national psyche. Unless you are a “made” man or woman you do not have a chance at winning an election, and if you do win, the chances of changing anything but the name sign on your office door is next to nil. So I write this today after considering the possiblities of any “decent” candidate being offered to the American people, and I realize if there is a “decent” candidate somewhere he or she isn’t running for office in my state, town or country, and if there is a “decent” candidate running somewhere
they don’t stand a chance at being noticed, raising money, or getting local, state or national media attention simply based on the fact that they are “decent.” Unless they are embroiled in scandal, corruption or are outright liars and hypocrites, the media doesn’t take notice of them. The media assures the American public, that whoever they elect for public office must be stained and tarnished or foolish or simply incompetent. With the system so rigged against any decent candidate being elected I am announcing the end of my political career as a voter of undecent candidates. I will begin my search elsewhere for competent and decent candidates for politcal office, and search for them in an alternate universe.

L.A. Steel

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