

Aug 27 2012

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THE GOP KATRINA CONVENTION (A Hurricane of Republican Delusion)

THE GOP KATRINA CONVENTION (A Hurricane of Republican Delusion)

On the same day as the delayed opening of the 2012 GOP Convention in Tampa Florida and the 7th year anniversary of Katrina, a CAT two hurricane is about to descend upon the Gulf Coast. The irony of this can not be ignored, nor can the absence of every member of the G.W. Bush Administration at the GOP Convention this year be ignored. One of the greatest failures of the G.W. Bush Presidency and the actions of the Republican held majority in Congress was their absolute failure to supply adequate aid to the cities and states devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

An estimated 20,000 people are (were) expected to attend the convention. No Tea Party celebrity was invited to speak and Ron Paul was only allowed a video taped speech. The last announcement by the Ron Paul Campaign was, “They expected to have an overwhelming presence at the convention.” That is yet to be seen. It is questionable if any Ron Paul supporters or delegates were even allowed to attend the convention because of the GOP fear, that they would cause a riot or a public protest against the Party and Romney. Ah, the Republican Masters of Delusion must be shaking in their hip waders about now. The postponement of the GOP Convention and its opening day expected on the 7th anniversary of Katrina has got to be a sign from God to send fear and doubt into the Fundamentalist Souls of the Republican delegates, and give the American people a sign of Heavenly Distain for the Republican Party.

I am looking forward to watching the off balanced beginning of the Tampa Convention. Latest news is that all the Republican Governors and major politicians from the Gulf Coast region will not attend the Convention, so they can prepare for the coming hurricane about to hit their states. Also they could not politically afford to be seen celebrating in Tampa as their states are assaulted by a CAT TWO hurricane. The frightening memory of Katrina is forever fixed in the minds of all Republican politicians as an unhealed wound on their already pathetic reputation.

It will be interesting to see if Romney and Ryan mention cutting FEMA aid or Medicaid and Medicare and Unemployment benefits in their nomination speeches, while millions of Americans on the Gulf Coast are being evacuated from the path of the hurricane. It will also be interesting to see if there is a sudden change in their public demeanors as hard nosed, uncompassionate, tax cutting conservatives, to liberal/moderate, kind and “compassionate conservatives “. Their taking the chance of referencing G.W. Bush’s campaign slogan in their speeches would be suicide for their campaign. The only choice they have is to ignore the storm and play to their base, however since they have deliberately ignored the Tea Party they no longer have a base. Their base now is the same one G.W Bush called his base, which is the “One Percent” who are feverishly funding Romney’s campaign.

So fare well Republican Party, as you set adrift your Convention Flag Ship , that will soon be devastated by hurricane winds and rain, and capsized by the storm waves of the American peoples’ hatred for your candidates and policies, as you sink into the depths of the sea of political contempt with all passengers lost.

L.A. Steel

Permanent link to this article: https://lasteelshow.org/main/?p=2749


1 comment

  1. Makito19Yt77

    Very, very nice page! :)

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