

Sep 18 2008

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Financial Rocket Science


As I try to make sense out of how the U.S and the world financial market got into such a deep mess, I wonder what financial rocket scientists are trying to figure out a way to fix things. It’s obvious to anyone who listens to the pundits and economists on all the networks that they haven’t got a clue how to fix things. All the financial “geniuses”advising McCain , Obama and Bush are the same advisers that got us into this mess.

As of today’s news it appears that the financial calamity is a world wide event. Russian , British, French, Japanese, and Chinese financial markets are in complete chaos, and it’s obvious that their financial rocket scientists are no smarter than those in the U.S. So once again in times of trouble the common sense of the people will have to prevail. I believe a mass execution of all political and financial experts , bankers and Wall Street traders is definitely in order.. We should start with G.W. Bush and his boneheaded advisers and then purge the Congress, and march them through the streets of Washington D.C.as millions of Americans tar and feather them.. Then once all of Washington is cleaned out we burn down the Federal Reserve Banks and haul out Ben Bernake and Allen Greenspan and throw them into a pit of fire along with every other Federal Reserve banker and financial rocket scientist. Then as we watch them burn Americans declare America a government free and money free society. So far this is a better idea than anything I’ve heard from the experts. .


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