

Jun 01 2017

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Jared Kushner said: “Trump thinks his supporters and Republicans are stupid”


The following is a quote by Elisabeth Spiers former Editor of the New York Observer newspaper owned by Jared Kushner . Her comments were made to the Independent UK newspaper, and reprinted in GQ magazine. This is what Kushner told her about Donald Trump. Let me emphasize that this comment relates to Trump’s birtherism:

“He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.”

“That’s the president’s most trusted adviser admitting to the fact that his father-in-law regularly lies to his supporters because he thinks they’re dumb and will believe him. This is a man with no real morals, no real beliefs, but who is willing to peddle any sort of hatred or monstrous thought if he thinks that it will help him toward the nebulous goal of “winning.”

More proof of Trump’s history of lies and deceptions are being revealed. Once the testimonies of Comey , Flynn, Cohen and eventually Kushner, are heard by Congress, Trump will be fully exposed for the criminal he is.  If he is impeached , so must they impeach Mike Pense, since he was fully aware of Trump’s treason and part of it. Similar to Nixon’s nightmare, a new Vice President will be nominated as Gerry Ford was nominated to complete Nixon’s second term in office. The country is in so much trouble, liars , cheats and traitors are everywhere.

The recent arrest of White Supremacist murderer in Oregon, gives attention to the recent rise in hate crimes by Trump supporters, or anyone with a grudge against minorities, Muslims or illegal immigrants. This kind of insanity is promoted by ALT RIGHT groups and radio hosts, who preach hatred against all minorities , Liberals or  political moderates who oppose racism, and Trump’s policies.  Trump continues to fuel the fires of civil unrest,and will soon have his head on the block of Congressional Impeachment.  Kathy Griffin’s example of Trump’s decapitation may be extreme, but it is  symbolic of the end of the Trump Administration, and his political and financial destruction.   Karma catches up to everyone, Trump’s karma is rocking and rolling all over him.

L.A. Steel


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