

Jun 02 2017

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trump is a pirate 2017

I first published this article on 11/23/2016 , I am republishing it to show my readers what a  difference there is  today in  the Trump Administration, as opposed to what was happening on 11/23/16, two months prior to his inauguration.  I have never seen a Special Prosecutor brought in to investigate a President or staff  within the first 100 days in office.  I wrote this article when I began to have serious doubts about Donald Trump’s integrity , once he began to renege  on his biggest  promises.



11/23/16                                         “TRUMP IS A PIRATE”

I fear Americans have  been conned  by the biggest B.S Artist in America. Donald Trump appears to have done an about face since he won the election. I agreed with a few of his earliest Cabinet selections, but since he is considering Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney  for Secretary of State, retained Chris Christie as his adviser, appoints Nikki Haley as U.N Ambassador, and appoints Jeff Sessions as Attorney General , who is adamantly opposed to legalizing Marijuana, I am now opposed to Trump. Trump has also caved into the New York Times.He will  not keep his campaign  promise, to Lock Hillary Up. I and many other Americans see the wolf more clearly now. I can no longer trust Donald Trump’s judgment or honesty.

The following is a quote from the New York Times transcript of their meeting with Trump yesterday 11/22/16, in the NYT office.

“TRUMP: O.K. Well, I just appreciate the meeting and I have great respect for The New York Times. Tremendous respect. It’s very special. Always has been very special. I think I’ve been treated very rough. It’s well out there that I’ve been treated extremely unfairly in a sense, in a true sense. I wouldn’t only complain about The Times. I would say The Times was about the roughest of all. You could make the case The Washington Post was bad, but every once in a while I’d actually get a good article. Not often, Dean, but every once in awhile.”

Unfortunately,  the American Presidency has been stolen by a greedy billionaire and his fellow billionaire friends. This was not an election of and for the American people, it was an election of and for the biggest billionaire party. By Donald Trump stoking the fires of hatred and economic despair throughout the country, he enabled poor White and Working class citizens to believe they had power and could change their lives by voting for Donald Trump. I am afraid Americans were wrong. Several months ago in a Fox interview with Newt Gingrich, after Mike Pence was announced as the Vice President and Newt Gingrich was considered for VP as well, Newt was asked if he knew why Trump did not choose him. Newt replied, ” Donald Trump is a pirate.” Then he went on to support his choice of Pence.

I believe Newt may have perfectly described who Donald Trump is, in two words,”a pirate’. Ho, Ho, Ho, and a bottle of rum ! Let’s all drink to our new Captain mates.  But the Captain doesn’t drink, smoke, or do drugs, and he lusts after pretty young women, money and power. That is who and what a pirate is, and who Donald Trump is. He attracts the poor, indigent and mentally ill, with the promise of a job on board his Pirate Ship, to fight and plunder for him. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are unconscionable pirates. They will use anything and anyone to achieve their lusts.  If Donald Trump is an appeasing fool, or a lying pirate, by the end of November most Americans will have made up their minds. Then the fight to rid Trump from office before he is inaugurated will begin.

L.A. Steel


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