

Jul 07 2016

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Obama is a Radical Islamist, Video evidence of Senate Hearing



Author of “See Something Say Nothing” and former Home Land Security official on Terrorism proves before the Senate Hearing that Obama is a sponsor of Radical Islamic Terrorism in the U.S and world wide. This is a must see for every American and everyone in the world. Barack Obama is a Radical Muslim.  Hold your breathe for this incredible testimony.  Obama must be impeached and tried for treason , and Hillary must be imprisoned for her treachery in promoting Radical Muslim Terrorism around the world.

The second video is the most damning evidence of DHL Director Jeh Johnson white washing of Radical Muslims and the cover up of Obama’s sponsorship of the Muslim Brotherhood and Jihad . Watch and listen to his stupidity, arrogance, and treasonous answers. This explains why we have so much terrorism happening in the U.S and around the world. OBAMA AND HIS ADMINISTRATION ARE SPONSORS OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM TO UNDERMINE THE MIDDLE EAST AND AMERICA.

L.A. Steel

Independent Write In Presidential Candidate 2016



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